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About bellyisking

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 01/08/1986

Additional Information

  • Toy collection
    ICS MP5 A4
    G&G L85 A1/A2 + SUSAT
    KSC USP compact
    KSC USP 45. Auto
    Tanaka USP 9mm GBB
  • Most likely to say
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    Nothing Selected

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  • Interests
    games design artist
  1. I really want one of these L85 RIS systems, but before i go down this route maybe somebody can help me? i know this isn't the best place for it but since people are using similair setups might get the answers i need. I really didn't want use lipo but i'm willing to stomach it, but if i use a 7.4 Lipo pack as rolling thunder has previous suggested how well would the gearbox cope in conjunction with a systema energy motor?
  2. my new creed in life now is if you don't ask you don't get, this is fantastic news.
  3. i must have missed something, where did you find this info?
  4. I’d love one of the RIS kits but I don't want to pay the price for one (links below), WEP + laser ma bob? Brugger and thomet IF an airsoft manufacture did make one at least it would cost only a small fraction of what the real steel would. But supposedly the Brugger and Thomet mk4 fits on the G&G like a glove, i could very well be wrong since the site wasn't in english. Though it was evident that the star requires some modding to get it on... About half way down the Page
  5. owners of the LSW and AFV, i need your help! I need images of the LSW bipod and it's mounting system, flash hider, rear grip and handguard. For the AFV i need the fore section of the weapon, so the ris grip and the AFV parts. quality images with good lighting would be appreachated, the reason i need them is for a weapons Mod for Graw 2. cheers belly
  6. i know this question will probably go unanswered but is army likly to produce acessories to the R85 any time soon? just a bit sick of waiting for G&G to pull there finger out and make a UGL, or even a susat we were all supost to see months ago. It would certainly establish them more for doing so....... and beating G&G to the punch would mean $$
  7. I know the owners of the G&G and the AA variation are a small niche in the market at the moment, but just out of curiosity how many people are sick of waiting for after sales parts for the G&G l85's? It been about 9 month since G&G launched theres, more to the point what manufacture could be persuaded in to making say a UGL for them or even a susat where we don't have to mod the original rail?
  8. bellyisking

    3D Models

    nice to seem some great work here, anyone modding games other than bf2? here are some thing i been tring for GRAW http://www.ghostaholic.com/datas/users/961...20movie%202.mov http://www.ghostaholic.com/datas/users/9611-usp%20movie.mov
  9. since you guy are all so USP made at the moe, would anyone be willing to take pictures of the Tactical hard sights from the USP - T? reason is i am make a ghost recon advanced war fighter weapons modd and need some very high resolution images to model with. have a look at the slide i have done so far. also my baby's below
  10. i Aint really had the chance to play with it, though knowing streamlight products i would say get the UTL, simple because it's probably got the better light. though the tanaka light could be converted to house a better bulb, and can house a laser if modified well, but over all UTL will have a better light to it, in stock form EDIT* is it me or is the Tanaka light the one of snakes USP in MGS2?
  11. here are some of my HK stuff, Like Zero i to had a itch for a launcher. Only thing i didn't photograph, is MP5K PDW, with quick detach supressor. enjoy
  12. here is some of mine If anyone likes what they see call me and i can do more for you, pretty good with all media programmes
  13. hello boys and pretty ladies around the world merry christmas and look at what i got! nice beretta and usp compact, the G&G barrel does work from zero one
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