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Airsofting in the snow with a GBB rifle, perhaps not such a good idea after all!! Performance proved taxing!
(See 1 other reply to this status update)
w00t! roll on airsoft tomorrow!
indeed, i wanted to check out "the Mall" but unfortunately that seems to be all booked up. So might just be GZ for me.
(See 2 other replies to this status update)
Is an airsoft fashion victim.........
he cant its attached by a Gemtech lanyard..
Just Painted my M4, got my Trijicon Acog, It is BEA-Utiful!
pics or it didn't happen!
ordered a VFC V1911 (surefire 310r) for my TM 1911A1
they are available from most of the HK retailers. - pritty cheap aswell $57.00 - taken them long enough to make a replica of this cash cow!
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