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  • Birthday 10/08/1973

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  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    G&G GR 16 R4 carabine,TM M16A2 + M203,TM M733 (shorty),
    G&P NOVESKE N4 StreetSweeper(Custombuild),G&P NOVESKE N4 Rifle(Custombuild)G&P SR-25k URX...and it dont stop
  • Most likely to say
    Life is way too short for taking everthing too serious...
  • Country
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  1. Thanks bro..... There are more to come.....KAC PDW-KAC PDW-KAC PDW Greetings CALI SWANGIN´
  2. Please excuse the AK... ,my mostly AR collection: Two of them are still in progress.. Greetings CALISWANGIN´
  3. Wow...people got some very nice Glocks around here... KSC G19 Metalslide: Greetings CALI SWANGIN´
  4. Here is a Pic with a stubby grip. As said,this is the most far position to the back to allow proper Mag changes. This grip feels much better in my hands when "clearing corners" in my house.... "This isn't brain surgery -- a rifle needs to do three things: shoot when you pull the trigger, put bullets where you aim them and deliver enough energy to stop what's attacking you." Greetings CALI SWANGIN
  5. [quote Question about the AIMS PMC, is the foregrip supposed to portrude out at the bottom like that? Just wondering... I dont like this Foregrip that much myself...the DYTAC forgrip is also too big/long for my taste and do not fit the AK Theme...thinking about a stubby so i can move the grip a little to the back.But the way it is now,it lets me move very quick with comfort without letting my arms getting weak too fast tho...Nearly 4000gr+552...My G&P SR25k URX is a lightweight compared to this one. I will make Pics so people can jugde for they self... I have a question
  6. ...and i will not take it any further than what it is right now.. ..Grip&EO thats it I had the same in my mind...Thanks guys CALI SWANGIN
  7. Just came in a hour ago....VFC AIMS PMC Here we go: AK47...the very best there is...when you absolutly positively got to kill every Motherfu%#er in the room..except no substitutes! Greetings CALI SWANGIN
  8. Very nice.... I´m still thinking about what to do with mine SR-16 URX,as i already used the MUR on my Noveske. -And yes,at first i was also turned off by the differences between the Lower/Upper combo,but like mentioned,it makes it unique... Greetings CaliSwangin´
  9. @Whitedingo....Nice collection...CA-25 URX...not bad at all. @kliskey...Thanks a lot. Thanks for the review on the Valaras! @No Trace 13 Yeah,hope to see the pics soon... I dont know,i just like this whole Noveske thing,because to me its unique in every way.Just like Vltor...unique. I mean,i could had went and build the Diplomat just like the RS counterpart,with the LaRue front and everything,but i had the feeling that i need to create it a little more "Tactical". ----------------------------------------------------- Like your interpreation of the diplomat there C
  10. NOVESKE EVOLUTION... I was going after the 7" Diplomat,but wanted it to keep it more of a modern version of it...hope you like it... Outerparts: DyTac MUR1 Vltor Upper receiver Kingarms Battle flipup sights Kingarms 7" MRF-M Freefloat Handguard Kingarms Railpanels Kingarms Wide Triggerguard Madbull Charginghandle G&P TD Battlegrip G&P Frontgrip (Will change that for a stubbygrip) G&P Noveske N4 Lower Receiver G&P HK 416 Stock Proud Noveske KFH HurricanE 552 (Maybe a 551 or 553 will follow) Madbull
  11. Can't find that aramlite thread.

  12. check page 331 in the armalite pics

  13. Very lovely....Nice,Nice...Nice. Great to see a differend setup of a SR-25... I like SR-25K´s better tho... ...just kidding! Greetings Cali Swangin
  14. ...Hi there...havw u ceen it in the armalite picture thread,yet?

    Just got it a few days ago...

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