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About Delta14

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    United States

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  1. Anyone know where you can get a wooden stock for a TM M14 I've been looking around for ages and can't find any. I even considered getting a cyma one with the real wood but the grain just looked terrible.
  2. Does anyone know where I can source a Larue LT-608 mount for an EBR?
  3. How do you remove the front handguard on an ak?
  4. This guy put a G&G M14 into a Kart EBR so I would assume the process could be similar... http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/inde...howtopic=158580 sorry that's all the info i got
  5. M21 with RAS... http://www.imageseek.com/m1a/gallery/servi...my_photo?full=1
  6. Do the G&P 160 round M14 magazines have the hi-cap windy wheels?
  7. http://www.magpul.com/catalog/index.php?ma...products_id=252
  8. What vest is this guy wearing and what are all the pouches?
  9. jonboy, who are those pictures of?
  10. Are there any replica RBAV's available yet?
  11. VFC are going to be releasing a replica of the FN SCAR H SSR check it out they have one picture up on their website. http://www.gb-tech.com.tw/
  12. Redwolfairsoft http://redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airsoft/...il?prodID=25988 oops sorry their out of stock
  13. G&P M110 is available at redwolf http://redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airsoft/...il?prodID=26048
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