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crash commader

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Everything posted by crash commader

  1. my kalash aks74u wood and steel version I am going to have to do something about the wood. For now I will sand and re-stain it. eventually I will get a real-steel set.
  2. here is my tm ak74 with gp30 and pk-a red dot
  3. masakarijoe I have found this http://www.suitsight.com/ it has the m16/m4 SUIT mount you were asking about.
  4. it's a brilliant scope, looks to be around 4x24 magnification, the reticle is like the susat scope (glass needle) but unlike the susat it is upside- down. I don't think it will mount on an m4 carry handle, unless there is another SUIT variant that I do not know about.
  5. here are some pictures of my king arms L1A1 slr+ SUIT sight.
  6. can't really say as iv'e not used the akm in anger yet. soon though....
  7. My cyma AKM, sorry the pics arent great.... I had to re-stain the stock (it looked awful!) and I added a acm romanian foregrip, and a pk-a red dot.
  8. cheers for the positive comments guys! the cooling fins here were made out of some cable cover for a bedroom lamp I found in a skip! see? I recycle!
  9. heres my folding stock rpk thing that I made out of bits of a src rpk and a cyma ak105 I haven't based it on any real steel ak that I know of, but I still think it looks nice.
  10. yep, tried that.... it seems as if the bolt is sticking on something. suppose its sods law that i've ended up with a dodgy one.
  11. have tried using it at room temp and the blowback still only works occasionally.... will have to take it back to the retailer I guess....
  12. got mine last week... a brilliant peice of engineering. but at the end of the game day mine developed a rather annoying fault. Sometimes when firing, the blowback bolt wouldn't work, both in semi and full auto. tbh it was very cold on the game day and only got warm towards the end, would a tempreature difference affect the gun somehow? a bit of a silly question I know but I am wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them.... ta in advance!
  13. ok this may sound like a dumb question, but if I fit a gp30 grenade launcher to the tm74' will it foul the handguard so that a battery cannot be inserted? thanks in advance.
  14. heres my mazda mx5.... the white ribbon is for my best friends wedding. fitting my rpk is a bit of a squeze though....
  15. Ok it seems that i've stirred up a hornets nest here. May I just say that on my behalf, I would like to get back on to the thread topic. Is this ok?
  16. The wood on my akm-s, or whatever it is. Is plastic. And although you can't see it too well in the photo, it is horrendous! Will replace soon enough with a caw spetznaz wood kit. Have to agree with sammyc though.... capitalist takticool furniture just looks odd on an ak....
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