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Everything posted by jkerry2782

  1. Hi has anyone else got an MDD hop unit, just fitted one but it very stiff and hard to adjust?
  2. hi guys what brand of BBs are working best in the dtw and is hte nozzle on the dtw to sharp?
  3. so which one is better dtw or ak ptw
  4. how long till we can get hold of them
  5. Action hobbys are now stockings them and the spares
  6. there will be uk supplier, they had them arrive today
  7. hi running 7.4 lipo how long are people guns lasting running the standard gears and spring.
  8. are the standard internals ok with 9.6 and e6 m90, those bloody wires are pain to get past the stock tube and nut.
  9. Hi i have a question the tm m4 cqbr what is the fps out of the box, what would the fps likely be with 6.03 barrel and flyfire rubber and what would it be after adding an e6 m90?
  10. hi just brought a ospmod with every upgrade part in but the last owner has fitted a shs piston, do think this would cause it not to work.
  11. and can you use ksc mags in the kwa
  12. does any know who has mags in stock for it
  13. i too it apart today and it seems to just a over soft spring causing the issue as there is lots of air seal
  14. Got an new sentry and it is firing at 233fps out of the box
  15. Wii Tech Air Nozzle and Hop-up Chamber has anyone tried or used this in their masada yet
  16. hi has anyone had any issues fitting the folding stock as the holes in my one do not line up well.
  17. it is uk spec magpul pts masada
  18. Hi i am having feeding issues with my pts masasda, the pmag it came with is not feeding well and i have tried ics high caps as well fitfit well but do not feed continously. any ideas
  19. I have a ics lsw and found it to be a great weapon, killed the piston by knocking it in to semi while on auto. The hop unit is great after i file the arm down to get more lift as it would not hop .2 bbs with out any mods.
  20. Name of Forum- Combat Action Games Forum 'Blurb'- Norfolk Based Airsoft Woodland site and shop Names of Moderators- jkerry2782, rizzini7 Public forum please
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