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Everything posted by ruger13

  1. what light/laser aiming device fits under the lip of the carryhandle ?
  2. I was about to install a NPAS valve on my KWA, but i cant open the screw at the rear holding the crossbar, i have put as much pressure on it as i dear (brute force always makes things worse) but it won't budge. Any ideas?
  3. i played around with a TM M203 (the "pump action shotgun" ) since it sucked at every thing. I found out that if you unmount the M203`s "gun clamp" you get a profile that fits extremely well with a G36, 6 vent forarm, of cource you cant make it stick with out glue i think turned out nice long barrel Short barrel (much to tall for my liking, red dot usually stays at home) I nicked it G36Assult and for you whitout "superman eyes" that piece between the rear of the M203 and the mag well is a lego block. And yes on the short barreled one (new`er pic) i have glued a R
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