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chris u'5

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Everything posted by chris u'5

  1. It's a real shame the forum has gone quiet. There were a lot of great guys (plenty of knobs as well) on here with a wealth of information who were always willing to share. I really enjoyed the picture threads as well. Ahh the "good ol' days"
  2. Thank you very much for that excellent info, I'm very grateful for you help.
  3. Could I also ask another question please? Are those genuine sights you have on your Guarder slide or airsoft replicas? One of the selling points of the Guarder steel slide is that it accepts genuine Glock sights but I see this more of a disadvantage as there are large number of high quality airsoft replicas on the market for a fraction of the price of the RS versions. I'll get some pictures of my Glock collection posted soon.
  4. Wow! That's amazing! Thank you very much for the video, looks like I'll be making a purchase shortly 😉 Is this the set you have; https://www.powair6.com/en/gbb-pistol-parts/6947-volante-airsoft-stratos-bbu-for-tm-kj-g17-22-26-34.html Also, if you have time could you please post a picture of the top of your TM/Guarder Glock 34? I'm really interested to see how your outer barrel has worn. Thank you again for all of your help.
  5. Very nice set-up! Well done. I've been away from the airsoft world for a while now but had been working on a build using a steel Guarder G34 slide and this is the first I've heard of the Volante BBU. I've tried various recoil springs, BBUs, gas etc but I've never been able to get the pistol to function correctly due to the weight of the slide, does the Volante BBU solve this issue? I'd be extremely grateful for your input on this. Thank you, Chris
  6. Thanks. Mine is the newer version too, I'm not sure if it will loosen up as the magazine is showing quite a bit of wear and it has gotten a bit better but I've got a bad feeling that it's so tight that it may depress the high flow valve installed in the magazine and dump all the gas (I've not had a chance to test it properly yet) I've actually got one of the original frames come to think of it, I'll need to try it out and see if the same problem occurs.
  7. Has anyone who has installed the Guarder TM Glock 17 frame found that the magazine is a very tight fit and it doesn't drop free very easily?
  8. Thank you Arnie I'd love to be able to access my old posts and threads but I understand that to do so would be detrimental to the forum. Thank you for the reply though.
  9. I've not been on the forum for a long time and while my profile is still active I can only view the post and threads I made from 31st December 2009 onwards (I have posts going back to 2006) Is this a new feature or perhaps because I wasn't around at the time of the change I was required to do something that hasn't been done? Thank you.
  10. They're the grips you tried to buy from me Sam! Genuine Springfield Armory not SD.
  11. Just stumbled across this thread, maybe one of you guys can help me out? I just received a pair of Wellco jungle boots and while they fit fine on the toe they are mega tight across the bridge of my foot. I had a second hand pair years ago which were the same size but they fitted perfectly, I'm thinking now perhaps they were a wide fitting pair but I can't remember (these new ones are a regular) Anyway, is this normal and will they stretch out width wise? I've tried heating the front with a hairdryer and then walking around until they boot cooled but it's made little or no difference so f
  12. I found a few more pictures of soldiers wearing woodland bottoms and desert tops. Check out Michael Yon's website and his latest report. Not that it matters, I was just curious.
  13. Yeah that's one of the pictures I was referring to Doughguy (sorry, I called you Doughboy in my initial post!) And there is the picture darkchild posted of his buddy in Afghan but that's all I could find. On a similar note I'm about to buy a DPM smock to use for hunting but I'm a bit unsure about the sizing, I realise they are made large but how large? My chest is around 41-42 inches and I was planning on buying a size 104 but should I go lower and consider a size 96? Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Looking through this thread I have found one picture posted by darkchild of a soldier in Afghan wearing woodland DPM trousers and a desert DPM top (there was also a loadout pictured posted by Doughboy) but are there any more kicking around? I've seen all those picture of the SAS guys wearing desert bottoms and woodland smocks but there seems to be very few the other way around? Could anyone post more pictures of this set-up if they have them and for those with real experience can you please tell me if this is as uncommon as it seems? Many thanks.
  15. You knock it out from the bottom to the top. Use a pin punch or suitably size allen key and tap it with a hammer.
  16. Oh yeah mate, no doubt. I was just curious in case I was missing something, as over the years several people have produced similarly styled pistols claiming that they are CAG/Delta inspired. I realise it was extremely wishful thinking to expect a detailed pictured, these aren't they kind of guys that stand around posing for pictures! As you stated I'm aware that these operators are reportedly given a 'stipend' in order to purchase their own pistols, with Kimber, Wilson and Vickers being popular choices (Larry Vickers being a particularly sought after gunsmith considering his background a
  17. Fantastic Larry Vickers mate, really well done on that! It puts the majority of the recent additions to this thread to shame. I'm slightly curious to know why most people when attempting a CAG/Delta 1911 opt for this style of 1911? Obviously I'm aware of the link between Larry Vickers and Delta but it seems many people going for the CAG look have similar pistols. I know many Delta operators use a 1911 but are there pictures out there that suggest they go for this style of 1911? And I like to see more pictures too!
  18. @alston Have a read of this mate. http://www.gasguns.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=367 In regards to the 'rust' unfortunately this seems to be fairly common. A problem caused by WE and their 'amazing' anodizing process
  19. I don't know if you saw the March edition of Combat Handguns but the cover article was about the Sig P250 and both had similar style frames. Here's the link if you want to have a look: Combat Handguns March Issue
  20. Oh yeah mate, I'm definitely into Glocks I was just referring to the silver slide along with the tan frame. It's still looks cool though. I'm with you on the XD, surely it's gotta be the next GBB pistol made...surely! It's such a famous handgun I'm surprised that it hasn't been done. That's an amazing frame on the XD by the way...
  21. Another sweet Glock to add to the collection mate! It's not really my kind of thing but it's certainly unique for which you should be applauded.
  22. Some things I've tried have fitted perfectly others are a bit loose. A strip of black tape in the appropriate areas resolved any movement issues though.
  23. Not my dog (but I wish she was!) She's called Roxy and belongs to my girlfriend's sister. She is such an amazingly brilliant dog, thankfully I get to look after her a lot
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