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Everything posted by tbsix

  1. My new Mayflower APC, finally after 2 months of waiting!!
  2. got the new OPS-CORE FAST helmet, I'll try and get up some pics.
  3. any new news on VFC's MP7 suppressor?
  4. I recently bought one of these 2nd hand and am having an issue. when i took off the orange flash hider and tried to attach the metal one that comes with it......it will not fit!! Anyone else have this problem with the metal flash hider??
  5. what's a good silencer to put on a TM MP7?
  6. Do any US retailers carry the Spectre DR scopes?
  7. Is that the Element PEQ setup? What brand Spectre is that? Great looking blaster!!
  8. tITELIST,

    where did you get your helmet dipped with the digi-desert pattern? I saw this on wannabe a while back, thanks.


  9. has not set their status

  10. did you get the 226 pics?

  11. Navy, what color is that rig, I'm thinking of picking up a khaki OSOE M4 micro for my RS rig.
  12. curious what kind of batteries you guys were running in these?? got mine the other day, nice quality...only problem i've seen so far is the box mag continuosly running??
  13. thank you, check your PM's!!
  14. nice review.....on the packaging???? FAIL!!
  15. Hill, that separating issue has me concerned, did the old STAR's have that same problem?
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