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About ruvon

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 08/09/1972

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  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    JG/EBB/SRC G-36kvk
    TM MK23
    KWA USPc
  • Country
    United States

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  • Interests
    Airsofting, Industrial and Punk rock music, Airsofting, Running my team, the Red Dragon Lance, raising a son, being an all around miscreant!<br /><br />"Come on baby, show me what you got here, <br />I want your salvation, oh whoa!"<br />"nobody got swagger like us"
  1. Found this on AR15.com, it offers a bit of explanation about the MRE concept from KAC: "When we first made our standard FF Rail Forend for M16's/M4's, particularly the Short M4 Carbine model, was adopted by several Tier One units. These units generally obtain such equipment long before the public release of same. After a few months, one sub-element of a unit came to us and asked us to some how extend the rails so they could mount flashlights & lasers further forward and thereby "clear" the rear of the rail forend for normal grasping of the weapon. Several of these guys either did not like
  2. It's made me feel twitchy a few times! On a related note, has anyone heard if there's an AEG clone of the US Palm battle grip? Sure would be nice if some company did...
  3. It is a rather sick looking piece. The chap building it is on my home forums here in the states!
  4. Nice....it's a well lived in zone here in the house..the missus won't let anything else happen anywhere so....
  5. I have another with her sitting on top of a book, but the book is holy and that might ###### off some people...We MEU that I have been having fantastic luck with this season.....
  6. Unfortunately Umarex went where every other rebrander in the world has gone and just went to a decent OEM company (KWA) to make a fantastic piece of kit. KWA had their own line before the licensing deal, and has actually made decent USP's for about 7 years now. I may have to add this to my collection later on this year. It is a sexy piece...
  7. ruvon

    Custom Gear

    I keep throwing money at my screen but nothing happens! Nice rig, would love one!
  8. @chaoslord: That is one sick MPi man. How hard was getting the furniture to fit the gun?
  9. But finding a VFC is like trying to find stand out pop music..few and far between. If VFC ever comes out with another AK then it's all good. I've got time to wait. If it boils down to it, it's not going to get be built till fall/winter anyways. I'm in the very preliminary stages right now.
  10. I was surfing Den Trinity the other day and they had the body kit for the AIMS. Honestly, there are quite a few options available for my little project. Could always grab a D-boy's AIM and a Cyma gearbox, and pick up the front grip from one of the many gun stores that carry them. However, LCT being the bread winner as far as AK enthusiasts choice, I'm thinking that it will be the winning choice. Gunmane, let me know how the special order process ends up.
  11. And as to not spam text only...the ladies Jennifer and Mina... and one of just Mina... Sorry if the lighting is bad....
  12. That's what I've been looking at, is at the LCT AIM's kit, not the AKM. I'm thinking of going the MPi-KMS 72 route, after snooping around the EW forums a bit. Also after seeing different things on RA, I think it's definitely going to be a stand out around my neck of the woods. I used to hate the coat hanger stock, but after running around like a mad man for the last month with my Cyma Romanian, it's one of my favorites now. All though it's a toss up. I need an under folder to complete the collection, it would be quite cool as well to do a KMS version. We shall see....
  13. So then it is built like a true tank! Can't beat that man. I'm seriously thinking that I'm going either Real Sword or LCT for the next round of AK purchases this winter. It may just be LCT, I'm looking to build something in an East German flavor, and a RS seem's to be more hassle and less of what I really need to have for the project. I do so want to have a RS in the collection someday though.
  14. @ Bloodsword: I don't comment on many things in pic threads, but that AKMMS is one sexy beast. What did you drop in for a gearbox if you don't mind me asking?
  15. My first load out pics in about 6 years...way better than my last one's In Western New York, we have a setup world for our game play called Roshambodia....long story but, my deal this year is sort of a dirty Russian Mercenary working for the dictatorship of Roshambodia, I'd like to call it a Russian Merc in Roshi, kit list: Echo1 Redstar AKM British Soldier 95 DPM top East German 4 cell AK belt pouch Calvin Klein Jeans Condor Shemagh in ACU colors Antique Camelbak MULE Condor Dump Pouch Utility MARPAT mechanix gloves Dickie's sunglasses Altama OP:Oas
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