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Posts posted by aeviv

  1. thank you! i also find it amusing that my 'boss' told me i had to tell kids not to run in football cos if they fell over and cut themselves im not allowed to give them a blaster or such. Me being a 16 year old boy and them being 11 year olds, lord knows what sexual harasment charges i could suffer :P. For giving them a plaster.

    What i do think funny is that sometimes, soldiers who are wounded in action are liable for compensation, claims direct style lol.

  2. He has got a point tho, sure enough, after stalking the arnies corridors for a good couple of years im preety fluent in arnienglish, but if someone look on the the home page or just flicks thru and, in this terribly PC world, sees rape and abortion, what are they going to think lol?

    That said political correctness is killing this country, sure being racist, sexist ect is just stupid and shouldnt be done. Ever. but there does reach a point, when your just a bit, WTF?

    Anyways, PC, killing the world. Im a youth leader at a youth club, my girlfriend (11 months younger than me, we've been together about 6 or 7 months) joins last month and im told im going to loose my job cos im not allowed to date club members! Bloody Rediculous.

    And health and safety, that too. You know firestations arn't allowed firemans poles anymore?

  3. airsoft world do an RPK wood kit for £40, not bad i feel. I know a mate who stuck one on an AK, bought a drum mag and a bipod- looked great and was quite a bit cheaper! i believe it was a CYMA AK he built it off but i could be wrong

  4. The MG42, The M240 and of course, the Vickers machine gun XD


    Also The MAT-49, for all you guys who wanna play 'the baddies' in a vietnam scenario, but dont like AKs http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg44-e.htm


    The G11 (http://world.guns.ru/assault/as42-e.htm). Looks like it belongs in star wars but it turns heads


    The OICW (http://world.guns.ru/assault/as40-e.htm). Need i say why?


    The KSVK (http://world.guns.ru/sniper/sn50-e.htm). So those with a terrorist load out can have outragous sniper rifles as well



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