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About gu5t

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 12/10/1988

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. looks wrong to my mind, but interesting...
  2. Here's my brand new CQB RASII with ACOG. The most solid-feeling Armalite I have ever held.
  3. Hi, thought this might be a good place to ask this although I know it shouldn't be here: I have a JLS FN2000 and the magazine catch has broken. Has anyone else had this problem or knows where I could source another? thanks, gu5t
  4. how do you get your cyma to look that good with just a plastic body. i would love to know how. ive worn the wood lots but now i just need to finish of the body.
  5. gu5t

    1911 Picture Thread

    absolutely beautiful. 1911's are just the sweetest guns ever. nice pics guys
  6. gu5t

    SA80 Picture Thread

    yer i recently went to an dcct thing. it was pretty good until the pc broke down and we had to stop.
  7. gu5t

    SA80 Picture Thread

    no Im CCF with school i think its vertually the same but just inside school. as far as im aware only private type schools do ccf but i may be wrong
  8. gu5t

    SA80 Picture Thread

    i just cocked it but im pretty strong so i guess i did it a bit hard and it then came of in my hand so i then just carried on cocking it with what was left. and yes they are wank but soon apprentyl we will be getting some semi only versions of the a1s but i doupt it in the next few years
  9. but that looks friking cool and sci fi.
  10. gu5t

    SA80 Picture Thread

    not strickly sa80 but still l98s i think eg cadet GP http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff13/gu5t/felidday101.jpg the cocking handle fell of so had to cock it with just the front bit. youll know what i mean if your familiar with the gp. http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff13/gu5t/felidday100.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff13/gu5t/felidday052.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff13/gu5t/felidday028.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff13/gu5t/felidday010.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff13/gu5t/felidday012.jpg gu5t
  11. has anyone seen equlibrium if so youll know what i mean when i say the pistols and awsome http://www.feoamante.com/Movies/E/Equil_ib...uilibrium03.jpg
  12. but when you put a less powerful spring in surely that will then increase ROF.
  13. does any one know if its possible to tighten the selector switch becasue mine keeps loosening out of auto and safe.
  14. ha if you attached a spade blade on the end it would now be a spade.
  15. my painted jls scar first time so dont expect anything amazing. cheers
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