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Everything posted by RobbyC

  1. what silencer is it aswell? - might get one for the old SG550 on Page 89 and how effective is it? at all? lol Edit was just an addition
  2. actually i think you could go as far as a 90mm on that gun because of the look with the silencer - go to the dentrinity customs and have a look at their M4 bushmaster - now that is a piece of kit but with one hell of a price tag!!! By the way what actual gun is under all of that?
  3. That is bloody nice!!! can i suggest a long sunshade for the scope? they always look better with one in my opinion.
  4. that's cool man!!!! are you going to do the recievers aswell? my only critiscm is that i think the brown is a bit too redish, however thats me and that may well be the photo but that is cool.
  5. damn thats nice - my only qualm is that the scope is to high unless you have one hell of a long neck lol
  6. Woohoo you live on Portland?!! now do you mean the place in the USA or The UK? because i know Portland in the UK well as it's 10 mins away from my grandparents in Wyke Regis if u do live there where abouts?
  7. i take it you have some kind of tac light on the other side judging by the wire switch thing on your foregrip!?
  8. a SOCOM? lmfao nice gun - wasn't really fond of the original pic of the SIR but you have changed my mind
  9. SOCOM silencers in my opinion should only be allowed on M4s and SOCOM pistols
  10. Silver Bullets are for Werewolves not vampires just for your info. and i'm fairly sure they were designed as early model agents. I'm up for correction though
  11. bit more tape required i think lol - i have an obsession with snipers - such precision in the look and the shooting - a specialists weapon! Oh yeh is that Marushin COP357 or what ever its name is - is that the one used in the Martix Reloaded to kill the wierd agents? the one that fit bird uses!!
  12. that would be me it wouldnt fit under the scope on top and besides there wasnt enough plastic to cut something for it to grip to - i had to use one of th heat ventilations on the side and cut some more off lots of mess and one hell of a cut on my finger with a scalpel which i use for cutting everything!! there is blood on my floor still!!!!! never been that careless before it really does look better on top i looked at it from both angles before attching it and underneath is a because the bipod is there - i know u didnt say it shud have gone there but just incase anyone wondered.
  13. might have said this before but that silencer is to short for the look of the gun ie bipod and cheek piece stock (yeh i know thats just for the bat but it looks cool) but otherwise hell of a nice gun
  14. whats that revolver?- it looks like a british service one edit brit - british
  15. damn he found out about the bullets lmao i didnt realise he read arnies lol oh well
  16. Is that in reference to the SG550 because you probably know but just in case the MSG90 is a military PSG1 - u probably know that already Yeh the bullets in my mag are ones out of a G36 lowcap which i was borrowing!!! lmao he hasn't noticed! thanks for the compliments on the SG550 my pride and joy - it now weighs over 5KG and all at the front!!!!!! the stock has snapped ermmmmmmmm 4 times a couple of problems with the burst which have been fixed it has a M100 or a 1J can't remember. its worth something like £450 - 500 the PEQ wasa bugger to attatch and anyone who wants to make one
  17. and weak as hell!!!!!! its snapped at least three or four times!!! but my life has been saved by the miracle of superglue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any SG550/1 review will say stick batteries and the stock are the worst parts!!!
  18. i'd rather have his money lol - he must have a fair bit!!!
  19. lol my uncle has exactly the same pair of goggles they are for skiing so be careful especially in the US - i assume you are there judging by the orange tips - skiing goggles are not meant for airsoft - and in the US there are no laws on FPS so be careful - have you tried them with the most powerful gun you play with a point blank is the main thing but other than that damn nice set - loving MP%s you may even have persuaded me to get one
  20. the M4 that is and my tape i did that when it first broke - i need to get some copyright lol
  21. Yeh manxmadman the git stole that deal from right under my nose. Git!! Oh well I'll get an L96 and then we'll see!! Not too many hard feelings lol
  22. is it physically possible to carry two desert eagles!!! or hold! holsters must be a b*tch
  23. i've always liked ump stocks and just folding ones in general except of course when they snap like my SG550 one has at least 3 times my gun has been saved by the miracle of superglue
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