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About Kampfer777

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/21/1989

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    Ca m15
    WA SVI 5 inch Green- FOR SALE
  • Most likely to say
    Que Paso?
  • Country
    United States

Contact Methods

  • AIM
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  • ICQ
  • Yahoo
    Get this...kampfer777@yahoo.com

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chicago Il
  • Interests
    Hiking, Camping, Anime, History and anything Military.
  1. I could have sworn the way to make it full auto was by tweaking the leaf spring. I know a couple of WE's i goofed with did it.
  2. RockDog, ehobbyasia has a SAS threaded barrel. That slide is epic!
  3. Would those KM hammers be a drop in fit? Or do they need some mods to work properly in a bone stock 1911a1?
  4. Are those RS novaks or the ones off the MEU?? I love my m1911, but the sights are utter garbage and a MEU would just break my bank. So I've been thinking about swapping the slides ever since the MEU was released... any help would be appreciated.
  5. SACSlym, you are a golden God. This is such a awaste of a post but that is awesome. Do the guy with his fly open next.
  6. Oh yeah, that fooled me big time. Very nice!
  7. Aww man, those ZK bodies are beyond sweet...that a a rico 9 tac light? hey, I need some handguards to finish of my unraped m4, can be painted , whatever...any one got any spares?
  8. My Lord i can be such a git sometimes! I always think Positive/Negative or vice versa, not positive/positive. Hades that is the the most awesome 1911 ever!
  9. Hey guys, sorry to cut in but i need some info real quick, i's getting a PDI silencer attachment for a marui M1911 (Positive Thread), i need to know what kind of silencer thread i need. I had this answered on another forum, but simply can't find the thread, so a PM would be cool. This thread has ruined my wallet!
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