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About Downtown_two

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 03/14/1985

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    United Kingdom

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  1. I've not posted here for a good few years; I've missed the painting. It was tough not posting this until it had been used enough to pickup some wear.
  2. empty your inbox i cant pm you!!

  3. I know this is the Armalite thread but that AK just stole the show.
  4. A few from today of me and my team mate:-
  5. Haha fantastic work Stuntman, I actually sat for a good few seconds wondering why someone posted the same pic twice in one post. I'm not sure if you are doing this for impressions sake but your Chest Rig seems to be swinging quite low.
  6. Clothing:- DPM SAS Smock DDPM Trousers 2nd Line:- EI RRV (MJK) EI Triple M4 Pouch (MJK) EI Double 9mm Pouch (MJK) EI IFAK Pouch (MJK) EI MBITR Pouch (MJK) TAG Dump Pouch (attached to the rear strap of my RRV) Bits and Pieces:- Olive Shemagh HSGI Cap Sage Green Aviator Gloves Traser H3 Watch Would usually have a Safariland 6004 but I forgot my pistol that day, carrying the mags as my team mate uses a P226 too.
  7. Me and a mate before a days skirmish (hence the lack of mud). The internet isn't ready for my face yet...
  8. Really? I've tried a fair few slings, including some fairly expensive ones and I always end up back with my trusty G&P Single Point Bungee. I speak the truth!
  9. I'm gonna be a picture ###### and put this in here too since its the only half decent pic of my RRV:- EI RRV EI Double 9mm EI Triple 5.56mm EI MBITR EI Medical All in MJK
  10. A picture to break up all the words...
  11. To quote Mr Titelist out of context I agree with function over form...I use mine for batteries. Quite a fan of the PEQ-15 but I think its a bit space agey for the look I'm going for. Got a KAC BUIS and a Recoil Pad on the way and I think I'm all done. Will take a few more pictures over the weekend if I can, would've done more but I honestly thought there would be little interest in a plain jane M4.
  12. Thanks mate, it started out as a VSR10 Pro Sniper, gutted internally and stuck a Fortress M40 Stock on there. Paint job has been on there for a while so theres a good bit of wear which I think helps the aesthetic along a fair bit. Looked ridiculous just after I painted it.
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