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About triggerhappyNL

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 07/06/1987

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  • Airsofter since
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    SRC M4A1 Carbine - TM G3 SG1
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    Amsterdam, Holland
  1. everything he wears on the pictures are real expect the AEG-gun parts.... but gear, clothing and everyhing is real. you could suit him with real guns and he'd fit right in with real commando's... the plain helmet, normall... IRL the guys got it all strapped and filled but for the impression he based the gear on a demonstration givven by the commando's in the town of Delft... the looked excactly like this, incl. the shotgun.
  2. just some quik shots, more to follow me playing with a mate's SPR in-game shot taken at Advance 2 Contact near Bishop's Castle, Wales... awesome game there, first time i went to the UK to skirm, lovely guys, completly different from what i am used to.. and the trusted tradition the Swinging *rickrolls* 4 year old tradition, just great to do that with a minimi
  3. probably the most coolest P90 is have EVER seen, the mods seem very, VERY usefull, looks are also great the paintjob is outstanding as it seems to blend in with the multicamclothing very much... all in all, i'd give this an 9/10 you don't get full 10 cause for some reason the black upper seems off, maby try to do the arc-type thingy, leaving a small black strip but the higher portion is painted, and then paint the scope/sight/thingy as well... just a thought tho, i am no great artist at all but all in all, still the best P90 i have ever seen i am so gonna steal these pics's fo
  4. well, back for more guys these just came in via e-mail: i'm second man, with the OD mich 2001 hardly visible, hopefully the front man ( Cyrus ) get's shoty before i do we call this the human shield, not the way it should be done so don't bother telling me cause i care not but here it is and to top it off, we did a small attack drill from a down halway. first one through is Cyrus, i'm in second and third trough was red. it was staged and i screwed up bigtime with the opening to the left, once we get out... forgot to put it on single fire.... stupid me but ow well...
  5. the man wears ACU, A.K.A. I.C.U. so going for what hides you best just goes out the window i think ACU looks nicer with black ( goes better with the grey ) and when you got a black holster and OD vest... hard choice. either go OD and hit the holster with OD paint ( and it will work after 4 or 5 dust layers ) or go black and get rid of the vest in favour of a new one. don't mind about sticking out since your BDU will do that for you.
  6. me last Sunday at our only CQB- ish terrain in an old fortress, this was taken outside... me wearing regular army boots, dutch army jungle DBU's ( very, VERY rare ), mich 2001 replica, webtex DPM pouches ( sold the vest, and the new vest turned out tto be out of stock !! ) so strapped the pouches to a el-cleapo belt, and blasting away with a CA M15A4 Carbine ( yeeh bought that same morning !! )
  7. yeah the one Benson requested, i'd like that as well really that pic os one of the coolest i saw in a long time just looks ultimate
  8. either get a black bag, or green gear. the mix looks odd, but both colours will look well with your base clothing. my prefference? black bag, i like the black gear
  9. slowly....... very, very slowly.....
  10. looking sweet Rogal, i like the DPM / black contrast. might not be the most effective, but sure does look awesome !! where do you store the G36 mag's ? can't see pouches mind posting a pic which better shows of the vest ? also, mind telling me what vest that is ? looks nice
  11. this. no side ear flaps and no hard piece in the front bit. basic yet sturdy. will get some better pics, but time's against me mate.
  12. no offence Grim, but the stitching to your hat looks totally gay. i like the look of our cap, yeah the earflaps look awefull, thank god our dutchies have a standaard fieldcap in DPM, without hard parts of earflappy thingies you've got a dutch LBV ? ######, i'm looking to sell mine *shameless plug*
  13. cause to be honest, it looks completly screwed a good CB or CT coloured vest would really finish the look, and CB is kinda the same tone as MC, as for the Flecktarn stands out WAY to much. and having 2 dotted patterns used together looks weird ( ow and i know MC is not dotted, but it sure as hell looks like that ) and i forgot who said it but i agree with you that a full MC loadout looks weird, and it does need a stable single colour to even it out a bit. other than that, topics like these make me hate MC lesser and lesser i can't post pics of myself ingame for 2 months, brok
  14. first things first mate, nothing personal. but that remark right there just turned you into the old-timer mind "enlighten" us youngsters here what you oldies are talking about ? muchos gracias
  15. agreed. here most people wear good gear, but i've been on sites with people wearing their tactical vests and normal clothing. makes me feel sputid for spending all that money on my DPM gear. luckely that's been 1 time in a year of skirming now. but if more people would go gun-only and no more gear, i'd drop airsoft.
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