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Leon Kennedy

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Everything posted by Leon Kennedy

  1. Add me on Battlelog.

    1. TacticalKid
    2. TacticalKid


      You are on PS3??? yes! Ill add you on psn.

    3. TacticalKid
  2. Proud to be STL born and raised! Go Cards!!

  3. Seriously, someone buy my gun. I want that SPR/A! :P

  4. I'm 21 today, so if anyone wants to PayPal me money for shots, I'l take one in your honor. :P

    1. aznriptide859
    2. FireKnife


      No, but congrats anyway, hope you enjoy it as much as i did mine :P

  5. Only got shot once today! 5 kills in one round with the Marui 1911, too.

    1. Leon Kennedy

      Leon Kennedy

      In the heat of the moment I think I broke minimum engagement, but the ref said it was a difficult to judge distance. Ooh, I ran into that bunker with a mission. Ref called it our win, so I got 'em. A little kid kinda freaked out and lit up my entire right half after the fact so I my right leg is all kinds of bumpy this morning.

    2. hwagan


      Minimum engagement with a 1911, or you mean with the primary? I can't imagine a minimum engagement for pistols, that just hurts my brain!

    3. Leon Kennedy

      Leon Kennedy

      Pistols...hence why I was real confused when he got on my *albatross* for it.

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  6. Going to go do this thing called "airsofting" tomorrow. It's pretty undergound; you probably haven't heard of it.

    1. Bando


      lumber jack shirt scragaly beard and big glasses the line between hipster and pmc airsofter is getting thiner

    2. TheFull9


      I have no idea what this status update is referring to.

    3. FireKnife


      You know, that reason why we have no disposable income and the reason we can't put anything in hobbies on dating sites :P.

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  7. Thanks, man! I just did the plain old "spray it then wipe it off"; the only thing I did differently than most people is that I used a cardboard shield to block half of the spray; that way, there was a minimal amount of paint that actually made contact with the receiver, and I wiped it off pretty quickly after it dried. Sure, you waste a lot of paint, but I guess it's not a big deal since it all gets wiped off anyway!
  8. (replica) Crye combat pants sit so high...

  9. Don't worry guys, I'm still here.

    1. hwagan


      *phew*.... I was worried for a minute there.

  10. Hopefully mine's a good gun! It's definitely got plenty of money in it...
  11. I know some folks liked my DD Omega, but I miss a "classic" front end... Still no good camera. :cry:

    1. Stuey


      actually having the 'e' in jaegerbomb is in lieu of the umlaut on the 'a' ;)

    2. Stuey


      they are nice though.

    3. Leon Kennedy
    4. Show next comments  51 more
  13. I've honestly never seen colored mulch. That's neat.
  14. Here's my new RRV. It carries a plate so I would assume it's okay to post it here. Just need an admin pouch and some .45 pouches. Maybe a SERPA too. Chris, I am real sorry I didn't listen to you a few months ago about picking one of these up...easily the most comfortable rig I've worn.
  15. frogfish,,,it's just astounding. The paint, the externals, everything. A right proper blaster.
  16. Someone inform me why people, specifically on airsoft forums, blur their faces in photographs?

    1. richieffff


      In case someone recognises them and asks for an autograph maybe?

    2. -Angel-


      Usually 'cause i'm pulling a stupid face, which detracts a bit from an otherwise decent loadout.

    3. hwagan


      It's hard to look like a 1337 spec ops badass with a bad fringe.

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  17. ^ Ones a STAR KAC 600m BUIS replica.
  18. Mango habañero salsa is my jam.

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