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About galactica

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Kruck, get the good Aimpoint T1 clone.
  2. Hell no. 5.11 singles for me, though viper singles work too. Nothing that tightly fits a glock mag or the like will take a 5.7 mag.
  3. facepalm time...you're sure it's not the heavier metal bolt that has somehow caused the crack? like...other people who are reporting cracks after using them?
  4. really greg? (HIya! been locked out of Arnies for ages by their firewall!) I still get usable 2 mags per fill, or did last time I played, far too long ago. Damnable work!
  5. Temp almost everywhere else = not 31 C.
  6. so they're sending you another one, a V3? confused now.
  7. wooo! we're back! First time i've encountered a web server that blocked incoming http requests from the two of the largest ISPs in the UK. Is Arnie's now hosted from Kentucky or something?
  8. Yeah that's a V2, like the one I have sitting on my desk.
  9. can you post a pic of your npas? I am wondering if the V2 NPAS is too heavy now it's been re-engineered.
  10. When Greg & I did this on my KWA, that RA Tech spring lowered the upper FPS to something terrible like 300 down from 400. My stock KWA (US) spring was much weaker in strength than the RA-Tech one, and also weaker than the KSC Japan one that greg had. The different results we got were fairly clear - weaker spring, higher FPS.
  11. it's the RA-Tech spring! it's too strong! don't file down the NPAS or anything...crimson, you probably already have a V2 NPAS. I have mentioned in the NPAS thread about how the spring that comes with it is way too strong. Use the one that came with your gun.
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