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About snakedoctoror

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 11/10/1977

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    5 years ago
  • Toy collection
    G&P M16/203 (Pure bad boy) Jing jong Sig 552,Jing jong MP5 SD6,MP5 SD5,A&K Para minimi,WE1911,TM Socom,TMp226
  • Most likely to say
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
  • ICQ

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Like mountain biking/airsoft/shooting real steel guns.

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  1. does the HGK ones work in the agm's i didnt think or know if they did. the mags weight a tonne. especially running around all day with them. thats for the help with barrels
  2. Hi Guys, I have had a AGM M4 for a couple of months now although been an airsofter a while now i am in no way an expert on these things. What i would really lik to know is . I'm wanting to change my barrel to the same length as the WA as i want to put my novasake on. it looks gash on the standard M4 so can anyone tell me where can get barrel parts. then what i need to do to modify it. other one is my hop ain't the best. can i do anything to get it to work better. starts dipping around the 25m mark. Has anyone heard if the mags will be getting any lighter. i carry 6 just now and by god
  3. Hi Guys. was wondering if any chance of changing Contact left Airsoft to Combat Zone Scotland with details www.combatzonec.co.uk please the site has now changed name to try get a better audience as no one knew what contact left was . Cheers guys
  4. hi, can someone explain where the hop is i have tried everywhere including the bit it tells you "open slide ,put alan key in and turn" mines doesnt seem to have any of that. HELP!!!!!
  5. hi, just wondering if any decision has been made been over a month now
  6. Hi Could i have a new site forum put up please. Contact Left Airsoft Based in Cumbernauld Glasgow 20 acre woodland site www.contactleftairsoft.co.uk mods myself and will add 2 others cheers
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