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Deranged Gecko

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About Deranged Gecko

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 10/02/1991

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    CA M15A4 SPC
    TM M3 Super 90
    G&G RK103
    Soon to have:
    TM AK74MN
    TM G36C
  • Most likely to say
  • Country
    United States

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
  • ICQ

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Florida, US
  • Interests
    Airsoft, paintball, Xbox 360, football, baseball, modern weapons of various descriptions, PMC's, Marine Corps., Blackwater USA
  1. Hate to ask a question, but it seems pointless to start a new thread as their seems to be more information here than anywhere else for AR's: For a G&G crane stock, what's the largest battery size it can fit? Will it take a 9.6v 3600mah? Yet again, sorry and thanks
  2. Should a 416 really be in the Armalite thread?
  3. Alright, thanks y'all. I got it. My G36 is near complete!
  4. Alright, which pin are you talking about? The sling pin, or that cone shaped pin behind the plate?
  5. Can someone help me get a G36 bipod attached? (to a G36 of course)
  6. Sorry, just a quick question: Are the CYMA AKM wood handguards/stocks stained or is that the actual wood color? Also, will RS wood fit with little modification? Thanks.
  7. 1. Yes. 2. Ultra-Flat Black should match decently well.
  8. I'll check ebay, and the swat patch I planned to not use as well as the shoulder pads. Thanks guy's
  9. I'm starting a German loadout, nothing in particular, just some flecktarn and a G36, and I can't decide which vest to get: http://www.flecktarn.co.uk/fltav1nx.html#FLTAV1NX http://www.flecktarn.co.uk/fltvv1nx.html They are the same price so either one will suffice, which is the more user-friendly/comfortable/better buy? All help is thankful.
  10. tactical man band... lol, priceless. you sir, win.
  11. I'm sorry, I don't know what was running through my head... Maybe the stock was a bit much, but I despise the G36 mag's bulkiness... so yea
  12. Could some post a pic of a full length G36 with a "C" type rail and a M4 Magwell Conversion and stock conversion with a M16 stock and an ACOG slapped on top? Yes, strange, but i'm curious.
  13. Sorry to be off topic, but I don't deem it neccesary to make a new thread: Can Classic Army HI-CAP AK mags fit in a VFC AKS74UN? If they don't, what other hi-caps fit? And no, I do not enjoy hi-caps, but I need one desperately by saturday and only have the mid-cap that's stock. Sorry again for being off topic, I'm sure you'll understand this dire situation I'm currently enduring.
  14. Request for picture: Can anyone post a pic of a CA SPC (or just a full-stocked M4) with both a M203 and a C-Mag, also an Aimpoint with cantilever mount or Eo-tech mounted? Thanks in advance
  15. Good review, I had just learned about this AK last week, and you convinced me to buy it... only need $400 more...
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