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Everything posted by mr.m

  1. mr.m

    What are you talking about...is it that warm up song thing that my brother Elliott did?

  2. HOLY CR4P TWO!!?!?!?! lucky you. If you're referring to me...they're two different pictures
  3. TM G36C...please click and sorry for the bad picture quality
  4. mr.m

    G36 Picture Thread

    That was pretty cool too
  5. City of God is a great movie

  6. mr.m

    G36 Picture Thread

    yeah I might get the longer under rail for a flashlight and foregrip, but I don't think I would need the laser because I have the red dot scope...do you think that the vertical foregrip would help with the weight or would it just be there for looks?
  7. mr.m

    G36 Picture Thread

    Well it shoots 290 and at my local CQB site its ok
  8. mr.m

    G36 Picture Thread

    Here we go finally Kind of small looking,but if you just click you will see how awesome it is
  9. mr.m

    G36 Picture Thread

    Thats pretty nice I like the sig especially
  10. lol to the third world country remark
  11. mr.m

    G36 Picture Thread

    I think you might need some more mags just in case you run out.
  12. I took that picture when I was in Italy last Spring Break
  13. Why did you by them then?
  14. mr.m

    1911 Picture Thread

    anyone know were i could buy FAKE pearl 1911 grips i saw some on ebay for $22, however someone bought'em before i had a chance
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