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    Adv Member
  • Birthday 08/30/1982

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  • Airsofter since
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  • Country
    United States

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    SLO 702
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  1. good to have arnies online

  2. this is my new chest rig it is custom made by 914i who is a good freiend of mine we designed off a Mav , we made it to release off center and the # of molle to fit my needs
  3. it's made by 914i and is a one off but is essentially a 2piece MAV and padded yoke ,that being said he is getting ready to open his shop soon not sure when and if a website will be available he does however sell stuff on ebay store i know this for a fact because 2 of those guys are on my team and as a group we make up one team to rep our city
  4. SLO-MAR


    thanx for the reply, how about sizing was it ok ?
  5. SLO-MAR


    those with the ebaybanned version how do you like the build quality are they worth it?
  6. sniper veil/scarf i've had this one for years and years it, OD and now a nice sunbaked green it looks like this ... http://www.uscav.com/Productinfo.aspx?prod...6&TabID=548
  7. RRV it would, however my closet would be sad if i didn't rotate the uniforms
  8. hey bud you gots to make some time to come out to some local games it's cheaper than travelling
  9. i know most come in one size but how big are they really i wear 7 1/4 will most hemets (mich 00,01,02) fit reasonably
  10. they were used for an OP in arizona they also had two half-tracks
  11. anyone know who makes smaller sized lids most are too big for my melon? i typically wear a 7 or 7 1/4
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