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About Kevorkian

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  • Airsofter since
    Nov 2006
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  1. Which metal clip do you speak of? I have a black one, as well as the reinforced tan but I'm not sure what you are referring to?
  2. I see the difference now in the lower receivers...that middle rib is taller & a bit wider!
  3. Any chance of getting that pic posted...I'm curious as to how they went about this!
  4. I love the engraved trades. I might consider getting that done as well since it looks more realistic...was it difficult to find someone to do that? Regular engraver?
  5. WOW...that's all I can say! I now have a new favorite GBBR! I have always been a fan of the G36 platform and this couldn't have come at a better time since I was looking to add one to my collection! WE has really done their homework with this one: Pros: - Great price - Rock solid polymer body - Bolt catch works every time - Strong recoil - Great ROF - Minimal cool down (propane) - Internal mag design similar to KJW Cons: - Mags are heavy - Plastic outer shell of mag may break if dropped - Limited upgrades at the moment - Unsure of compatibility of aftermarket body parts/a
  6. I hear those Canucks really know their airsoft! Good to hear things worked out for you!
  7. I hope mine gets here soon...I've been waiting a long time for TM to come out with this version! I need another G18C since I dedicated my KSC version to my Magpul FPG build...who knows, maybe there will be a TM compatible FPG down the road!!!
  8. Have a look here at post #186 and see the difference: http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=181636&st=180
  9. Now you're talking...Mmmmm, CNC BILLET !!!
  10. I appreciate your suggestion but it is the BOLT that is striking the lower receiver...it's TOO HEAVY! You can add shock absorbing materials but you lessen the overall travel of the bolt resulting in the loss of the bolt stop function! It is the exact same problem that the WE SCAR suffered from and I found that the lightweight aluminum bolt was the only remedy and I have yet to see my stock plastic hinge plate break! I'm just going to wait until some more aftermarket accessories are released before I put too many rounds through my PDW!
  11. I'm planning on doing the same! Care to share any tips or secrets as to what you have done to yours?
  12. I take it you have an "OPEN BOLT" version of the WE PDW ?
  13. WE PDW I must say that this is my favorite GBBR in my collection to date! This little wonder packs a punch and the recoil is simply amazing!! I found the original KAC pistol grip too small & slippery for my liking so I swapped it for a RS Hogue AR grip (minimal modification). As for the RS PMag, all of my WE mag internals have been converted which allows for a custom fit resulting in maximum gas efficiency! If I can make one suggestion it would be to ditch the stock PDW mag that it comes with! Its' gas capacity is much smaller and that results in the guns inability to cycle/functio
  14. This is the part in question:
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