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Everything posted by Green

  1. my new UHC USP NBB with upgraded valve shoots threw one side of soda and rips the back but doesnt go threw. decent lil pup
  2. I purchased this at Shorty USA, after alot of research and such i found it to be a decent gun. Now, when i ordered there was a problem, a spring inside of the valve assemablly was put in wrong causing the mag to leak all of its gas. I emailed them back and they sent me a new mag the same day. First impressions- Upon opening the nicely colored box, the kind of colors and pictures lacking from my KSC M93rII, i found that the gun actually looked very nice. Then i picked it up. It is very light but i guess thats not to much of a problem. I then picked up the mag. It is all plastic. Bu
  3. i was under the impression that he was buying it, but i guess that works too, thats what me and my dad did with my new G23:) siiick
  4. i thought you were 13, how would u get an Ar-15?
  5. Green

    G36c Cyma

    NO is it a mauri gun? well CA mags i think fit mauri but this thing was a 12 dollar gun why would it take those mags?! lol o man, this thread is funny
  6. yes but the idea to airsoft is to make it look realistic right? thats not realistic its more toyish.
  7. personally i dont like the paintjob.. makes it look like a toy.
  8. no not more threads.. please... make... it ... STOPPPP
  9. Well, upon purchasing my first GBB i didn't even bother wasting my money on greengas, but they did send me some along with the gun. Now i decided to get the propane adapter from airsoft-innovations.com. This is a very nice investment. It simply screws on the propane tank add drop of silicone oil every 5 mags then stick the needle in the screw on part and fill your mag. I then tested it against greengas for science at school. Now, the only difference that i discovered was that the greengas has some type of silicoln in it. (So it contains lube) this can be made up for the simple drop of lu
  10. very nice. you will be very happy.
  11. well i made the other topic about the m93r and i cant edit it now i can do both these guns or one or the other what would you like?
  12. magsz thats your opinion dont flame the guy .
  13. "Muhaha, what he doesn't know is that im aiming at his **** and my safteys off."
  14. nice shot gun. i suggest you save money, look in the project section and make a highcap mag for it:)
  15. if that fell in i would cried for you. edit: o and nice pool
  16. nice im am also looking forward to it
  17. nice, ill get some pics of my new m93r silencer custom thing soon( i need an end cap)
  18. id love patches, id wear them on my 3 diff bdus
  19. woo im right for once i would keep it it looks very nice well picturing it painted it does
  20. i think you should paint the RIS but tahts just my opinion. HOT though.
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