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Everything posted by Green

  1. phish u play at tolcom? if so do they have cqb?
  2. yea almost everything Guarder makes is solid as a rock.
  3. lol there is no point in doing that, anyone can goto a website and get one .
  4. nice and cruxed he used black card board as a background, we didnt talk about the lighting though.
  5. my new m93r , 40 bucks:( and the knife i won at an arcade for 2000 tickets:)
  6. my first try with my new gun:)
  7. Green


    From the album: Brian's Arsenal

  8. Green


    From the album: Brian's Arsenal

  9. damn sorry about that man:( thanks for the +1 though cheers
  10. tell me how to delete mine and its all urs
  11. bad quility idk wats up with my camera
  12. very cool looking picture, nice job cheers
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