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Everything posted by Chimpy

  1. I've got a piece of Broccoli here with your name on it! o_O

  2. There's a post voting thing that won't let me vote.
  3. FWIW I can only see two messages from 2005!
  4. Chimpy


    From the album: Kit

  5. Chimpy


    From the album: Kit

  6. Chimpy


    From the album: Kit

  7. Chimpy


    From the album: Kit

  8. Chimpy


    From the album: Kit

  9. Chimpy


    From the album: Kit

  10. Chimpy


    From the album: Kit

  11. Chimpy


    From the album: Kit

  12. Except when they do it themselves whilst admonishing members as this very thread is about? Generally on principle public humiliation is something I'd have a moral problem with though. Anyway am out for the night.
  13. We found out in the other thread that the mods have a box to stick a PM message in when they issue a warning point. The post copying would likely have to be a manual step AFAIK.
  14. I think it was. Firstly I corrected his misunderstanding and secondly I gave an example of where he had done exactly what I was talking about. I wasn't rude or unfactual. What did you think was wrong with it?
  15. Past history is more personal past history between the member and the moderator. Like The Chef says when a conflict of interest occurs its best to GTFO and pass it on to someone else. It might manifest itself in say making antagonistic comments that someone is another persons *badgeress*. You might even try to get round the swear filter as the substitute word makes the whole thing look a bit silly.
  16. You should direct that question at Stealth as the only reason I posted in that thread was to interject some humour as well! The jokes were funny and a whole series of people got it with no malice intended. Anyway my complaint about that thread was not related to the reasoning behind getting the warning point but the mechanism behind it's delivery.
  17. Good post there The Chef the solution to me is pretty obvious: - Moderators shouldn't be rude to members, particularly when wearing their moderator hats. This avoids allegations of unprofessional conduct and would save people reacting badly to decisions. - If people express an negative opinion about what you are doing it's better to talk to them about it (via PM) than suspend them in the hopes of ignoring it. - If a moderator thinks there is a conflict of interest (such as they have been involved in the thread or previous history) it should be passed on to another mod. - If a modera
  18. He was objectively being an idiot. I also apologised for it without him having to complain! Besides which it doesn't make it any less acceptable when I do it!
  19. But the point is they continued for a few posts and stopped before the warning points were even issued! Besides why are you bringing in an entirely separate incident in a totally different thread? Since you can't seem to get passed that incident lets take a look at the anatomy of that situation: You posted here about warning points being issued, no mention of who got them and I didn't notice them for a clear 24 hours afterwards and had to PM you to find out what they were about. Hence why I wrote the post earlier suggesting telling someone what they did wrong might help! The peo
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