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About Akapp

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/13/1988

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United States

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  1. Happy Birthday, Andrew.

  2. Looks fine to me the way it is. Nice look Havoc.
  3. totally read that just now... Thats what happens when i stay up late working on a paper and drink too much jager
  4. @ pic request- Hope that helps!
  5. My CA CQB/r.. G&P NSN ACOG ARMS BUIS VFC PEQ KAC vert grip KAC CAN 2pt sling Shoots 351.4 with .25s nicely.... Definitely my most favorite M4 Ive owned so far.
  6. What mars said. Bad rep for airsoft in the US dude.
  7. Outstanding seller, great price and shipped immediately. Kept outstanding communication the entire time.

    Thumbs up

  8. All you need to do is put an M4A1 frontset and slap it onto a TM M733 and its cherry. Also bear in mind you need the thin style handguards. or if you want the look but not the complete accuracy, an A2 upper on an M4A1. It doesnt wobble at all and its a TM barrel... RIS seems to cause more wobble.
  9. Custom built BHD M727.. got an M733 upper for it as well, Gary Gordon style. I also use this with no optics or weapon light for a 90's SEAL kit.
  10. Akapp

    Custom Gear

    Did some work to my USGI LBV, set it up for an RTO rig. Added an LC2 PRC pouch to the right chest, and some other pouches on the kidneys to carry a multitool or a blowout dressing. Its rough, I dont have a good sewing machine to work on this with right now but Ill get it figured out eventually.
  11. Looks good, but its more of a 653 with the A1 upper.
  12. We didnt submerge our AEG's but I have done it before and it worked fine afterwards. Any AEG can handle a submersion, I would just reccomend leaving the gun out in warm sunlight, preferably with the barrel pointing down to allow any water to drain out.
  13. Akapp

    Custom Gear

    Im actually considering putting the 2 frag pouches onto the outside of one of the Magazine pouches. Ill figure it out soon.
  14. Akapp

    Custom Gear

    Well... duno if this fits in here but Im working to modify my Enhanced USGI LBV to have some more carrying capability. Kinda jury rigged my Knife sheath(doesnt bother me there btw, easy to reach if I need it fast) onto the LBV and removed a frag pouch. What I would like to do is add some more frag grenade pouches but Im not sure where to put them or how to attach them. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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