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Everything posted by airsoft_maniac

  1. K thanks just found some on ebay for 6.00 so I guess Ill order those. NVM Just thought about using velcro lol that slipped past me.
  2. Just taped to the helmet not under the bolt that holds the harness (lol cant think of the word)
  3. Where does Every 1 buy their goggle retention straps, Does ne one know how to make goggle retention straps by 550 cord?
  4. Looks realy nice pretty much same setup as me but mines in khaki and I have a helmet.
  5. My Lid http://img258.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc0034xh9.jpg
  6. Wrench Bender didnt we already have this argument over in the seal thread lol. Not realy necissary (Spelling I know)
  7. Looks great Joe are u finished with ur MFR loadout?
  8. What Im wondering is how the guy in Newhotnessis reference pic can move.
  9. does any one have a source for parts for a KJW P226 or TM P226?
  10. You culd get shingles or regular m4 mag pouches.
  11. Delta Knight what type of Photo Editing Software are u using.
  12. Newhotness you do know that is MFR right? EDIT oh didnt read it lolz
  13. This http://www.boomarms.com/sc/viewproductdeta...?ProductID=2445
  14. OD with ACU doesnt look bad at all.
  15. Does this one work Hispeed? http://www.boomarms.com/sc/viewproductdeta...?ProductID=1253
  16. Sparty Ur helmet looks awfully shinny.
  17. Looks nice Tanet Im going to do something similer myself someday.
  18. 3 Color Desert Top and M81 Woodland Pants.
  19. looks good thats the kind of paint job I want to do on my M4.
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