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Everything posted by airsoft_maniac

  1. U glued a Eotech to ur shotgun. Wow
  2. lolz i just finished my order with them
  3. Who makes em and where can u find them?
  4. I wish they made dummys of those nvg's. I would buy one
  5. Chillin what colors did u use im guessing a khaki base?
  6. Newhotness looks cool gotta love that blaster too. only suggestion would be take off the Helmet cover
  7. ya just found this pic. http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/3928/sf11wk0.jpg
  8. I think the P90 looks good but I wouldnt use it in a game.
  9. Nice Mazor I like the RRV+Back Plate
  10. This thread needs reviving. BTW would any one know if its ok to mix pouch colors??
  11. Ok thanks so its just perfect for a PEQ
  12. Architect could u post a pic with the eotech as far back as it goes pls?
  13. Nice, what pouches do you have in the mail?
  14. I just rememberd where I live there is a local surplus store with altamas.
  15. I was looking at these off ebay cause there cheaper than oakleys, oakleys are in the 100's
  16. So the ones I would be looking for would be army ones?
  17. http://img404.imageshack.us/my.php?image=d5f611hq3.jpg So these would be ok? also what other type of footwear could one wear? -thx EDIT: also they are CB
  18. I would not want to be on the receiving end of that gun.
  19. Vicious that gun looks sick but why would u need a scope on a pistol?
  20. What's the pouch on the back of your helmet. BTW lovin the worn look on it.
  21. Thanks. I like the Woodland one and the PMC setups the best.
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