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About Hustie

  • Rank
    Peanut butter jelly time
  • Birthday 12/24/1990

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  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    Tanaka M700 LTR (yessire, the wood stock version)
    TM G36c (with teh army code reciever and various internal tibbits)
  • Most likely to say
  • Country
    United States

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  • Location
    St. Petersburg, Florida
  • Interests
    "I enjoy a nice pair of slacks" - Brick
  1. Hustie

    BELL EG720

    you can fix that fairly easily by sticking a small o-ring (from say, a butane lighter) in the tm mag.
  2. wow, so the bb's spread visibly around the 15m mark? thats quite substantially diferent than the tm shotties I'm used to. I cant wait until you get ahold of some gas. thanks again in the meantime.
  3. I almost certain I'm going to get one of these, but I cant yet decide between 6 or 8mm. 6mm is more practical; holds more ammo, cheaper ammo, and more bb's per shot. 8mm, is just, more badass I suppose. chas youve already done a excellent review but I dont suppose you could do one more thing? a spread test of sorts, where you fire one shot at a target at so and so meters, then repeat at another distance, ect would be superb! thanks. also, does anybody know whether this is a clone of the "export" version marushin?
  4. Does it hold enough gas to fire a full load of ammo? I've read somewhere the marushin 6mm's didn't.
  5. I had not even noticed this review! hows the gun holding out? used it in any skirmishes?
  6. Really? I know yugo M48 bolts are left in the white, but german kar98 bolts were blued I though..? Guinness, there's something birchwood-casey makes, I think its called alumblack or something like that and from what I understand its kinda like cold bluing for aluminum alloy's. If you want a little color but not wanting to paint it then maybe thats something worth looking into.
  7. Ah I see, I wouldn't like that all that much either. Another question if you don't mind, how is the rear sight attached on? I'm not familiar with the real steel but I think its dovetailed...?
  8. thats looks good, I'd personally go with the full stock, the black pistol grip does not match with the wood pump handle. I have a question, do you think this shotgun would look good with the barrel cut down to where the ammo tube is?
  9. Dang dude, nice review. I haven't seen a review on a TM colt in a while. I am suprised you've had the gun so long and the reciever hasn't cracked, good stuff.
  10. Magsz for some reason your very unpositive reviews always motivate me, you don't happen to work for despair.com do you?
  11. Do you have one on hand? I've found bits of data like the one in this thread are much easier to understand if you actually have a gun on hand and have similar problems.
  12. What happened to the brotherhood ?
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