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Everything posted by Vihtis

  1. My latest paintjob on my CA M24 (Full PDI 3.2J) http://s630.photobucket.com/albums/uu23/Vi.../M24%20Painted/
  2. My new girlfriend "Sweet Lucy" just call her "Lissu" Shoots 181mps +- 1,6mps
  3. Oh god that XM-110 looks sexeeeh What internals you got there? Tough gearbox ver.2 makes me go "ewww" nowdays I have felt so much in love with ver.7 after building M14. But really that is pure warporn <3
  4. Nice job epsilonblue, it only misses harris style bipods tough I like myself G&P DMR stock most, but yours made me to think JAE stock for summer... Anyone has any experience that does Marui M14 fit how well to KART JAE stock ?
  5. Yeah I noticed that too in game I almost didint find my own weapon under the tree where I left it while I took one enemy down with my pistol ;P
  6. Thank u m8 Well that was 3rd winter paint job on this weapon First I tried just white and some black spots. It was ugly as hell. Second was tigerstripe with white and black, well that was pretty cool, but dint camouflage that much. And now when I painted digital pattern when drunk it got pretty good. It doesnt look like that "über cool" but it does the work best.
  7. Heres some taste of M14 for DM / spotters gun purpose with winter paintings More info about the gun from M14 picture thread: http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/inde...t&p=1986466
  8. Ok because of many PM´s about internals and externals and also painting and for more pictures here it goes. Internals: King Arms 6mm bearings Guarder sylinder Guarder sylinder head Guarder piston Guarder piston head G&P ver.7 spring guide Guarder antireversal latch Guarder cut of lever Prometheus Double Torque (200%) gears Prometheus m150 spring Guarder Infinite torque motor Madbull Blackpython tightbore ver2. 650mm / 6,03mm Big out H-nub (white one) Guarder medium hop-up rubber Marui hop-up unit Marui tappet plate
  9. Heres my M14 with some winter paintings and 2J semi-auto upgrades. I play mostly DM or snipers spotter role. Coming to next summer DMR kit and M3 scope with some "real" digital camo painting.
  10. Yeap. just let the flame touch the painted stock 1-2 secs.
  11. I did this with Krylon paints and for black I used my lighter U must be carefull to not to smelt the stock. Then I finished the job with 2 layers of matte lacquer. And heres the picture again cause my last link doesnt work
  12. Heres my M14. Upgrading it atm. Going to paint the stock and get lower mounts for scope.
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