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Posts posted by Vihtis

  1. Nice job epsilonblue, it only misses harris style bipods :) tough I like myself G&P DMR stock most, but yours made me to think JAE stock for summer...

    Anyone has any experience that does Marui M14 fit how well to KART JAE stock ?

  2. Vihtis' paintjob. It's so rare to find a good looking winter camo scheme.


    Thank u m8 :) Well that was 3rd winter paint job on this weapon :)

    First I tried just white and some black spots. It was ugly as hell.

    Second was tigerstripe with white and black, well that was pretty cool, but dint camouflage that much.

    And now when I painted digital pattern when drunk it got pretty good. It doesnt look like that "über cool" but it does the work best.

  3. Ok because of many PM´s about internals and externals and also painting and for more pictures here it goes.



    King Arms 6mm bearings

    Guarder sylinder

    Guarder sylinder head

    Guarder piston

    Guarder piston head

    G&P ver.7 spring guide

    Guarder antireversal latch

    Guarder cut of lever

    Prometheus Double Torque (200%) gears

    Prometheus m150 spring

    Guarder Infinite torque motor

    Madbull Blackpython tightbore ver2. 650mm / 6,03mm

    Big out H-nub (white one)

    Guarder medium hop-up rubber

    Marui hop-up unit

    Marui tappet plate

    Marui gearbox


    New wirings with safety mechanism removel & semi-auto modifications.

    I use 11,1v 2000mah 18/25c Li-Po battery and I can say semi latency is as minimal as u can get it under 1000€ budget :)



    Marui with some painting and Acog style red/green dot sight with King Arms low mount base.

    Harris bipods makes the last touch to this sexy beast :)





    143m/s with 0.20g


    469f/s with 0.20g

    I mostly use guarder 0.28g cause I get best distance / accuracy with those bb´s.



    Its pretty simple. I just used primer spray thats made for hard plastic, and then I painted 4 layers with normal matte white spray car paint.

    I had ready template for pattern. I tried to do somekind of a digital pattern, but I was little drunk ^^ and messed little with distance and thats why its little blur.

    So the black is made with one layer and after that I finished painting with 2 layers of matte lacquer.

    Even the painting didint went as I planned it have been great breaking shapes. And I paid about 10€ for primer, paints and lacquer.

    Using krylon doesnt make a difference instead of using good (and cheaper) car paints.


    And heres for some more pictures. Some pictures feature almost similiar m14 with same kind of painting (that wasnt done under influence of alcohol XD), but just temporarily red dot sight and silencer.











  4. amazing paint job on the stock.


    any tips on how to do something similar?


    I did this with Krylon paints and for black I used my lighter :)

    U must be carefull to not to smelt the stock. Then I finished the job with 2 layers of matte lacquer.


    And heres the picture again cause my last link doesnt work



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