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iX LoneStar Xi

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About iX LoneStar Xi

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United States
  1. Pic request: A standard AK47 with a Magpul CTR (Moe or PTS-doesnt matter) Please and Thank You
  2. Question: I plan on making this. \/\/\/\/\/ http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/enlargeimage.php?enlargeimage=lct_aeg_g03_l.jpg But instead i'm planning on putting a Magpul CTR on there. Would this work on a Cyma, Dboys, Echo1 as the baseline AEG? \/\/\/\/\/ http://www.aimsurplus.com/acatalog/Magpul_CTR_stock_combo_for_AK_Type_Rifles.html If so, which would be the best baseline gun?
  3. Does anybody know how to change the fuse or figure out how to change the trigger assembly. Both may be fried but I dont know. I've tried many things to see if it worked but no luck. Much help is appreciated.
  4. How's that sr-16 shooting for you fallen? It looks nice as hell too!!!
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