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About ReverseFlank

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  • Airsofter since
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    United States
  1. With the m4 you could paint things such as the mag release and rails black, and then any optics could be black. Adds a nice contrast
  2. How well do your AEPs work for you? I have not seen them preform very well compared to the GBBs
  3. Like the Vietnam look when done properly. Looks like you have put some time and money into it.
  4. Nice loadout, only suggestion would to either paint your safariland or get another, but i just have a thing against black gear unless its a all black loadout
  5. Nice woodland loadouts are hard to find, you did well sir
  6. Love the g36 foregrip with the light. Where did you find it?
  7. Soren that is one of the best patterns i have seen to go with fleck. Its a difficult pattern to replicate
  8. Meh, not a fan od carry handle mounted optics.
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