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Everything posted by hellmutt

  1. PART ONE: “Welcome to fire support base Kathy, she’s not much but she’s all we got”, Sgt. Olson said wearily to the FNGs who had just arrived. He’d spoken these same words to dozens of GIs over the last few weeks and was getting tired of being the cruise director. Many of these cherries would end up in a black bag and metal case; packed into the back of a transport ride home. Best not to make too many friends until they'd sorted out who was who and what was what. The fresh faces seemed to get younger and younger, thought Sgt. Olson. One of them was barely taller than the
  2. WHAT: CQB Competition WHO: Insights Training and Battlesim.com WHERE: Western Washington - Buckley, WA WHEN: 2-3 AUG 2008 COST: $40 Deposit* REGISTER: http://www.battlesim.com/zen/index.php?mai...products_id=287 FORUMS: http://www.battlesim.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=216 youtube promo video: Battlesim has hired Insights Training http://www.insightstraining.com/us/ to run our first CQB Competition in order to create the most realistic Airsoft CQB Competition ever. Recognized as one of the top training companies in the United State, Insights will provide a level of realism and
  3. Photographs by David 'GWAG' Hintze - gwagdesigns.com More images to come. . .
  4. This are my favorite shots from GWAG. See the rest here: http://gwagdesigns.smugmug.com/gallery/4812701_v485u
  5. until
    WHO: Battlesim.com WHEN: FRI 21 APRIL 2006 - SUN 23 APRIL 2006 WHERE: VAUGHN, WA WHAT: WWII Event weekend! COST: $45 Pre-registered by 24 MAR 06 This is it! The event you have all been waiting for, WWII Weekend! There are going to be jeeps, trucks, maybe even a WWII 37mm anti-air gun! There will be plenty of room for Germans, Americans and anyone else involved in the European theatre! Specific operation details will be posted up in the next few days. The overall Operation is going to simulate the German counter attack on Carentan between June 12 and June 13, 194
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