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Everything posted by epzilonblue

  1. DBoys Scar H - Yes Dboys Scar L - No (Classic Army? I'm not sure)
  2. Thank you for all comment Light stick idea came from Airforce guy in Medal Of Honor game I think I'll try Pistol mag pouch in case I throw away my H-harness and about Chest strap I use black Clips from TT MAV2 Center Adapter Package to connect between harness and strap http://images.outdoorpros.com/images/prod/5/Tactical-Tailor-23025-14-rw-62903-73816.JPG rest detail is nothing special
  3. "Indeed" hahaha! (Anyway I didn't watch SG. thanks to google and youtube)
  4. Before After Heavy Rain After & After (Target Practice)
  5. that hop up "unit" will get fixed when you install "Barrel" back don't worry
  6. 1st time around this thread. Is there any news for Curved Rubber pad (Try to replace with A&K but FAIL ) Here is my ACR with ISMV (Replica) & Dytac flash Hider upgraded only 110 guarder , 9.6v Intellect 1400 - good trigger response - good range but a bit poor accuracy(no upgrade plan for now save my money for AK Conversion+Magazine)
  7. Let's Play PhotoHunt magpul on Pmag > Hi-cap problem A&K Folding buttstock Lock > Broken T-T Reddot > Z Tactical zISM-V Dot Aiming Devices with Laser + flip dot cover attached by super glue
  8. http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/3982/m14sop.jpg Finally, someone made it 14 + 203 FTW!!!
  9. Saturday Milsim @ Huahin,Thailand (Far away from Chaos Capital) From the ambush
  10. from my exp RAS not(G&P) , scope does
  11. with a little help from google http://www.junglegun...ead.php?tid=927
  12. Replica Insight Tech. ISM-V (already post around here long time ago) front sunguard is lost during game so I attach with flip cover from aimpoint replica (+ super glue ) warning : if you plan to use this reddot find some stuff to add level of cheek rest
  13. Can't bring it out from home due to Bangkok crisis T-T(Ruined my Thailand Long week end again like last year) - no politic talk AFG added Rail from JAE & primitive drill for 2nd hole
  14. First time I love "Short barrel with Rail Cover" M14 setup , Nicely Done
  15. Anyone has JAE stock & magpul AFG ? just wanna see how it's look like. (personal financial crisis) Thank you
  16. last Sat with Woodland Rescue Moments (got hit but Engineer can escape) Engineer status is wounded so I had to carry him before hit
  17. Replica from Eb---ft Cheek pad Needed for Original Stock
  18. totally forgot that Can't Edit
  19. Have to add cheek piece for new Replica reddot(primitive way) will update for better quality next time.
  20. From Next Generation (As Recon) Back to Basic (Assault) Matered it
  21. All i got for now Made in Thailand Mix Made in China
  22. Made in China (may be) Base on camelbak BFM 100 oz backpack Tack force 141 patch from my local shop (Many error but look OK from distance.)
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