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Everything posted by oikoik

  1. hahahaha! okies, first off i use a tripod, i also use a timer [12s on mine] and also a wired remote [a wireless remote would be better but i cant afford one atm] i use the room lighting, and i also use slow shutter sync - flash with slow shutter speed. what this is, it provides enough light for the conditions [as i often find myself shooting at night] without the flash blowouts that you usually associate with flash photography. there is a greater chance of being blurred though with this technique. i also shoot RAW format, and adjust the white point, exposure and other stuff on compu
  2. [btw, this was based off the old RHKP SDU type loadout rather than anything else]
  3. they are nice. weigh a ton and look like theyre durable. obviously mine stays in the house so i'll never know no loop for a padlock though, simple clamps.
  4. oikoik

    M1a Scout

    i actually prefer their older stock [the one Star made].. and also prefer the Sage EBR...
  5. oikoik

    M1a Scout

    my bad. ive seen about two or three variations of the 'new' troy stock anyway, but they all seem to resemble this configuration..
  6. oikoik

    M1a Scout

    eexcellent! great pics too! nice job! the stock youre afer - looks like a Troy job [the star version of the troy stock i think has been discontinued. this is the SOPMOD II version, with a simpler drop-in style stock]
  7. if you shoot at a higher iso you'll get grainier results depending on lighting conditions too. b&w film, printing, often comes out with a different look to that of b&w done digitally, and some say the film look is better - because of the tiny silvery grains used in film. obviously, this element cannot be present in digital cameras because theyre simply exposing a digital sensor. i think with some gentle processing and printing onto special paper allows you to get some way to recreating proper b&w, but film still seems to rule in that area. but yeah, graininess is eit
  8. yeah, the gun itself is almost not that hard [as long as you got cash] - the rig iirc is from a steadicam unit, which is a very expensive piece of filming gear..
  9. oikoik

    Pic Request

    wonder what the chest rig is - has it got pistol pouches on the front of the 5.56 pouches?
  10. oikoik

    Pic Request

    its a JAC A2 carbine - classic purists will shoot me but i'm just using the internal reservoir for now.. i'm planning on just having it the same way that the Sanderson character has it in the movie [that particular barrel clamp seems impossible to find, so i had to get a generic one] - which appears to be the M16A2 carbine with a non-stepped HBAR [thicker than the A1 barrel, appears to be M16A2E3 thickness], which is why i was wondering what M series it actually was a copy of...
  11. oikoik

    Pic Request

    sure, the info is a combination of janes infantry weapons 1997/98; american rifleman, 1993; colt data sheets for the M16 family of weapons, cmc inc.; small arms of the world (1983). so i was basing the list of the M series off the above sources - i didnt state it was date/period [1993] specific, just where i was getting the 7/9 series names from. [partially because i'm trying ascertain what model my own [gas nbb if youre interested] M16A2 carbine was/is for a similar idea] i hope you can understand that. it wouldve helped me / us - (along with everyone else who's interested, a
  12. oikoik

    Pic Request

    yeah, ^ what he said..
  13. oikoik

    Pic Request

    oops, someone shot off my goggles.. but i'll pick them up and have them back on in a blink of an eye.. a slow, chinese language site, but they have some frame grabs from the movie: http://www4.uuzone.com/club/15489/forum/174922.htm
  14. oikoik

    Pic Request

    am i right in presuming the M16A2 is said to have a HBAR barrel? [thick & smooth to the flash-hider?] and the M4/M4A1 are stepped HBAR - thick & stepped [for M203] to the flash-hider? ... from janes/saw/ar/cmc: 701 - M16A2 rifle. Export model with full automatic in place of three-round burst limiter. 705 - M16A2 standard service rifle (M16A2E3). [TM M16A2] 720 - M4 carbine. Originally known as M16A2 carbine, with stepped HBAR 14.5" (370 mm) barrel. 723 - M16A2 carbine. Produced for United Arab Emirates and US Army Delta Force. With M1
  15. oikoik

    Pic Request

    i was actually after something more specific than that - the book, iirc, wasnt that specific beyond the m16a2 'carbine variant'. but as we all know, most people concentrated on the obvious ones: the M733 and the XM177E2.. well, thanks for your help... guess i wont bother next time.. everyone says blackhawk sponsored the movie, and so supplied the vests, and that they were all custom vests, so its not stuff you can find. they also seem to be mesh based, and just feature the drop loops for belts and 4 or so m16 pouches, with buckles, and three front buckles, no zip. al
  16. oikoik

    Pic Request

    you chaps might find these helpful: my own little question: aside from the XM's and M733's - are the others that are visible here the M720/723/725 or the M727? i've always thought they were the M720/723/725 as i couldnt see the heavier barrel profile mod on the barrels that appeared on the M727. the only reason i bring up the M727 is because i thought perhaps the barrel clamp for the taclights *might* be sat right on top of the M203 attachment point, obscuring the profile.. [edit:] my own conclusion is that the
  17. haha! LOL! hide the knives! (i did..!)
  18. yeah,photobucket is good. i use them all the time. i also highly compress my images, so even tho they appear large, their upload time and therefore bandwidth usage is comparatively low.
  19. .. 'scuse the taped messy bits..
  20. eotech all the way! i'd have it just where my aimpoint is atm, just forward of the magwell. [i moveed it forward since my latest photos were taken]
  21. eotech will definately look good on one
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