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Everything posted by oikoik

  1. heh, i was wondering when these were going to come through - very nice. i like the overall look. very nice - good pics too!
  2. do they make real steel versions? yes they do. that is essentially why the STAR/SOPMOD M14 got delayed - STAR/Guarder ran into trouble with TROY, who make the real steel mod for M-14's over copyright infringements. i dont know how it was sorted, but it looks like the hurdle got cleared.. if it hadnt been for the copyright issues, the gun wouldve been out a while back..well before the Marui anyway. other popular mods of the M14 in us military use is the Sage EBR version of the M14, which retains the long length of the original barrel. relevant links: http://www.troyind
  3. yummy dammit! good review! with the run-ins with TROY i was thinking that these might never make it out.. but i guess that explains the non-trades..
  4. about time!! i thought ksc had forgotten all about it..
  5. hehe, ive been toying with that idea for ages - and then got aCA m15 and scratched it up anyway lol niiiiice job doc!!
  6. oikoik

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