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About Tef

  • Rank
    1st arnies CAcqb/r owner !
  • Birthday 12/04/1984

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    KWC 1911-A1
    TM MP5A3
    one of the first UK CA M15A4 CQB/r
    KWA Glock26c
    ICS M16A3
  • Most likely to say
    i cant afford that.....
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • MSN
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  1. i actually just came back from HK. i had two games there, totally amazing. heres 20th Aug
  2. it's been a little while since i posted
  3. Tef

    Me !

    Pictures of me in different loadout
  4. sorry, but.....DCU for the win until they come up with a proper gfood set of acu boots, im sticking with dcu :
  5. Airsoft_Freak, flash is way too strong, you can either use more other ligh scource, or try to take pics from more distance with zoom.
  6. Tef

    Armalite Pictures

    for one second i really thought thats a real gun. well done (havent been tricked to think that way for ages) i have alittle bit of suggestions, change to tasco 1.5-3x 26 scope with ARMS mount. then put a SPR flash hider on. then it looks perfect. (may be switch to PRI sights too)
  7. real men use their fingers guns and go round people's back and say ''give up now or die''
  8. cool, now just need to photoshop yourself out of the house, may be in the desert, then all looks good
  9. Souske, add crane stock, bi-pod, and may be a scout light. keep the scope, look nice this way. ACOG would make it too 'marksman feel' . and also nice avator
  10. yea, i know, im waiting for the other panel to come through, then one will take a eagle admin pouch, one will take cable tidy/line-zippers
  11. ok, heres a less-pee-take pic:
  12. lol, was messing around in the house. should add speech bubble saying :WAKAKAKAKAA
  13. im sure you know what you are after, but i would still like to make some suggestion, shoulder/arm pockets mich/boonie hat/ibh/protec comtac/tasc/sodin admin pouch mp5 pouches do look pretty cool with a PC
  14. very small collection compare to you guys
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