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Everything posted by Grantfallen

  1. Cracking paint job on the helmet, really nice. Nice to see the INVG mount as well, don't see those too often.
  2. Delta that's looking good, wasn't quite sure how the 2001 covers would fit but that looks sound.
  3. Oh, First Spear PC. Very very nice. Well that's an impressive haul you've got there.
  4. Jeez that SA58 is beautiful. That's one of those rifles that I've always wanted to have. Really nice change to see that rather than M4's all the time.
  5. Really good looking collection you have/had. Absolutely top notch paint jobs, nice mix of colours you've used. They all look great.
  6. ARES released the Grease Gun, don't care if it's *suitcase*, I need one of those.

  7. Just got rid of the beard, just in time for winter.

  8. I don't know just what it is about those RACK's but I love them. I really want to get one with tan buckles, but seeing that I only play woodland once in a while and I've already got 3 sets of woodland pattern gear I don't think I could justify buying another rig to just sit there and look pretty. Your's looks really good.
  9. I've seen a recent picture of a TACP wearing the ABU underarmour top, I think that the top looks boss. I really like the look of the ABU camo purely from a design perspective, I didn't know that they existed until last week. It got me thinking about picking up a set of them if I can find that top.
  10. Cracking beard. Looks good, what boots are those you've got on though?
  11. Agreed, You wouldn't be able to go prone with those pouches mounted there. I twated myself in the nuts with my cock flap and it wasn't the most thrilling experience ever, so having the extra weight of loaded pouches doesn't seem like such a great idea. The rest of the loadout looks sweet. Love the gangster foregrip.
  12. Oh, so so nice. I've hardly seen any pictures of those yet. Looks really, really fit.
  13. I still want a set, but I'd be using them only as a prop for photos and to display at home. I know that if I was to wear them in game I'd smash them within 5 minutes. Any idea about prices for them.
  14. Is that a pair of Chucks that the guy 2nd from the right is wearing, I wouldn't wear them for a walk in the woods never mind for a skirmish in the woods. Skirmishing with vehicles, always a win.
  15. I was hoping for good things with this, but those pictures make them look even better than I thought they would be. The stickers look ace. Looking forward to hearing how they hold up. Cheers for the really good review.
  16. Nice find Dave, I love the Safariland gear. I had a couple of the individual pouches but sold them and now I wish I had kept them all. I've seen them go for stupidly cheap prices on ebay now and again. but then again I've seen them go for daft prices aswell. I really fancy getting myself a Ranger Rack in Woodland, but it has to have the tan buckles. I also want a 1961a vest in Woodland but I doubt I will ever find one of them so it will just have to stay on the wish list for now. Roob those pictures are really, really good.
  17. You know that they'll be out of stock by tonight. So many people myself included are desperate to get their hands on these that they are going to fly out. Looks great though.
  18. Well I still listen to alot of the music, but I've got a taste for single malts and wheat beers. I did it because I don't like being drunk, I enjoy a drink but not to exess. Anyway back on topic, sorry for the derail.
  19. I need to get it lightened first, I've spoken to my tattooist about it and he has given me some ideas that sound pretty decent for a cover up, the one that I've liked the most is the idea to change it into an octopus. I've actually got 3 SXE tattoos, one of them is going to be changed so that it's not an obvious SXE tattoo, but I've got XXX on my wrist that I'm keeping, I was Straightedge for 9 years so it wasn't like it was just a phase that I went through, however I do have lots of friends who still have X's tattooed on them that are definately not Straightedge anymore:D I guess we all
  20. yeah, maybe I should have proof read my post. D'oh
  21. Here's my addition to this thread. I haven't been tattooed in about two years now because of my gear addiction. The pictures of my sleeve were taken before I had it completed and all coloured in. The writing on my chest is "Love Will Tear Us Apart" I'm not going to show the rest because they are the really bad ones that I got when I was 18 and now regret (a heart with a scroll reading Vegan Straight Edge) is the one that immediately comes to mind. On another note my girlfriend has had her last big gap filled, she now has about 80% coverage and only has little gaps on her legs
  22. Gah!! how did I not notice the ANVIS on that Ranger's MICH? I looked at all the details of his vest, but didn't notice that. If I could get a replica set of ANVIS I would be completely made up. I want to get some NVG replicas for my Force Recon impression, but I've still got a lot of work to do on my MICH before it's ready. I've been meaning to say that your MICH looks really good with the black spray.
  23. Where did you get the ANVIS set from? I'd be very interested to see the set and see how good it looks. I know that if it was boss then it would be yet another addition to my wants list.
  24. Very, Very nice. I like the two uppers for your primary. That's a pretty awesome collection that you've got there. Cheers for sharing.
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