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About ericfine50

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 07/21/1976

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United States

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Massachusetts
  1. Hunk, That is a very nice PC. I am looking at the APC, but this could give it a run for its money.
  2. KWA and PTS worked on their K-Mags together. I saw the Mega Arms at SHOT, and it is really nice. I am excited to see it it production.
  3. I think TangoDown has the I-O Cover
  4. http://www.airsoftpark.com/dragon-silencer-flash-hider-short-style-black-p-10052.html - That looks like it
  5. Great pic. Where did you get that silencer? Thanks!
  6. I was going to ask how the tubes and their "MOLLE" front was holding up.
  7. Ex - Check Gearsoc and check out My (TGL's) FB Photo Gallery for an answer
  8. Ferro's making a zip off back panel?
  9. Woops. Sorry about that. I was looking at TYRs similar setup. They have 3 or 4 different panel types. Interesting idea...
  10. How do you like the zip panel from TYR?
  11. How do you get that "used" Suppressor look?
  12. Mine is a MED. If you want. I can take some pics for you.
  13. What size helmet do you wear? I have a tan PT
  14. Looking good. Need to find some replacement Velcro for mine. Ops Core is 8 to 10 weeks BO for them
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