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About rocky164

  • Rank
    I've got a Funny Feeling, We're All Born To Lose
  • Birthday 11/08/1988

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    ???I'm not sure I have started???
  • Toy collection
    err, Walther P99 (springer)
    Colt 25 Compact (springer) - very, very broken - Now Deceased
    KWA G19 silver slide with re-enforced recoil spring, hogue grips, and spare mag.
    S&W M4505 Springer - Essentially a BUG
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Location
    Rugby, UK
  • Interests
    errr... Airsoft, obviously. I'm also a fan of Paintballing (see, the first step to solving the problem is admitting it).<br />I like Marine Biology (so I'm told), and also Scuba :P<br />I play the Guitar, and have a Telecaster Model, and Marshall Amp.
  1. cheers m8, i'll try for a second hand one though, then its cheaper and already modded love the pic btw, saved hmm, a plastic one will do for now, got one sorted, but hopefully i'll get a g+g one...
  2. hmm, acording to him, it took about two weeks of dremelling, and filling in, to be useable, and its still not entirely fault free... i think that was quite a rare make of slide though, because you can get different slides i think, but you have to mod the mags a bit...
  3. can't wait... anyone know what modifications have to be done to use a metal slide on a USPc, as I know havoc had some weird slide that took a lot of dremelling and filling in to work...
  4. it *fruitcage* is isn't it, the day after i got the *fruitcage*... i need sympathy points... make a sympathy bar to go with the rep bar...
  5. oh cock... anyway, after about six mags of green through it the end of the slide sheared off, flew off, complete with blowback chamber, and hit me in the *fruitcage* mouth... now i have zero working pistols... cock. o well, this can only mean one thing... metal goodness
  6. i hope to hell theres a bigger difference than that... i know thats the case with the KWA/KSC Glocks, but i thought it was better finish, more reliable etc etc... no? well then, i've just spent lots more on a brand name
  7. really? i seriously hope there'll be better reliability or something... can i run it on Green safely? Rocky
  8. Hmm, antyone know the difference between KSC and KWA, and I have a KSC version arriving tomorrow... I daresay it'll be better as its more expensive, but how? Rocky
  9. oh god, you should be punished for that one I vote Lord Jebus, he seems mod material
  10. oh, and did i mention that you're all sad? i don't think i did... YOU'RE ALL SAD!!! (thats me too BTW)
  11. you mean his rep count? hell yes!!! err, i mean AYE!!! well it seems only fair that if he can be given +1s for little to no reason, not only he can but he should be given -1s for no reason! (Please don't hate me HaVoC ) Cheers, Rocky
  12. lol i had to re read that before i got what he really met...
  13. So its Arnies Version of "Citizens Arrest" then... woo! (sorry, but I've always wanted to say that to a Mod) *reports R22 for spamming* *doesn't really* *shuts up*
  14. shouldn't it take a S&W Sigma mag?
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