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About itsahak

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 02/19/1972

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  • Airsofter since
  • Most likely to say
    See how easy life can be?
  • Country
    United States

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lynchburg VA
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Airsoft, Reading, Movies
  1. From Saturday 5.26.12 Promo shot from that day for American Built Arms LTF Hand Guards (ABArms.com)
  2. itsahak


  3. From Saturday 4.14.12 in Afton Virginia USA
  4. Does anyone have an "inside" in Classic Army? I'm want to confirm/disprove some rumors....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J.J.Simpson


      Someone posted on my webiste, that CA is almost out off business? Is that true?

    3. huntER_HuntED


      wouldnt doubt it, theyre not selling much over here......

    4. itsahak


      JJ hit the rumor I'm looking to prove/disprove. Everything I've found from CA's front office, Spartan Imports, and several inside sources say it's ######. I was told to look to Cybergun for answers, which doesn't make much since to me. I'm also told it's a rumor that's been started by a rival distributor to hurt CA's business...I'm looking for someone with actual knowledge/proof and not just "trust me" suppositions...

  5. Eagle Industries Multi Purpose Chest Rig. I absolutely love this thing! I have one in the trunk of my patrol car as part of my Active Shooter Response kit.
  6. After game photo's (thus little or no eye pro)from Afton, VA, USA on Feb 5 2011
  7. itsahak


    Nope. Tripped and fell while running and bounced my nose off the rear carry handle sight of my Classic Army... Sigh... Plain and simple clumsiness...
  8. Aye, Glenn is correct.
  9. Having been inspired by the Badger, I created this one... The paintjob... The outdoor version, minus the 3x carry handle scope that's on its way.... And the aforementioned, Badger inspired, CQB version...
  10. LOL, yeah it is. I only use it about twice a year for a CQB tournament. Due to the game style, camo and such is ineffective and useless, so our team wears Orange Prisoner Jumpsuits, and I thought it'd be funny.
  11. My fantasy tournament only CQB primary My outdoor primary My G36 family
  12. My current, One from a year or so ago,
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