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jay bee

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Posts posted by jay bee

  1. Just thought I'd post some pictures from my deans battery mod.
    First I completely removed the rails from the stock.

    Remove the rails

    Unsoldered and removed the rail connector, removed the spring, soldered on the wires which will run through the stock.

    Solder on wires for stock

    Post the wires back through the hole in the stock where the rails used to be.

    Post wires through stock

    Attached deans connector. I'll have to remove the connector again if I want to remove the stock again at some point, but I'm not sure I'll have much need to.

    Attach Deans Connector


  2. Has anyone else had magazine feeding problems? Mine won't feed, and if I manually pull the magazine catch back the bbs don't fly out. I took the plastic inner magazine out of the metal casing and loosened the screws a little. After doing this, I was able to manually empty the magazine, but once I put it back together it's as if the outer metal case is squeezing the plastic inner too tightly so the bbs can't actually come out.. Weird, it's just out of the box :(

  3. I was also wondering, how easy is it to convert the 416D to deans? I've seen a couple of sites selling adapter gizmos for about £35, but is it easy enough to mod it yourself if you're reasonably handy with a soldering iron?

  4. 416 now deans converted to run on lipo (quick change suck big time !) , f**k me that's a fast rate of fire ! Need to get up to stewpidbear's gaff so I can stick it on his chrono to check the rate of fire but I'm sure when he did his he was getting around the 16-18rps out of it .

    Plus I can confirm you can fit a 7.4v 2600 in it with ease .

    I've deansed all my guns, but I've never gone to lipos - is a 7.4v lipo ok to replace an 8.4v nimh?

  5. Thanks for replying PureSilver, it's great to get info from someone who's fired both. Well that pretty much sways it then. The only other thing that might convince me otherwise is if the top tech was noticeably more accurate or better built. I assume that isn't the case given TMs reputation, but figured I should ask anyway!

  6. Hey guys, sorry to barge in on the thread. I really badly want a blowback 416, GBBR is basically out as a) I live in the UK where it's often a bit chilly, and B) being locked to lowcaps makes it difficult for me to play in non milsim games. So I had more or less decided on the TopTech one, but I've literally just found out about this one. Can anyone offer any insight as to whether it's worth paying the difference to get the TM over the TopTech?




  7. Hey there,

    the other day I was getting quite a few mySQL errors, I'm assuming thats just a problem with IPB, and it seems like it's fixed now anyway, I couldn't actually post at the time due to the errors, but I just thought I'd report it just incase it sorted itself out and so the subject got left alone?



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