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About wampa

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  1. Just curious what is the difference with 416 internals and the sopmod internals? Are they fulyl 1:1 compatible? Also for the buffer tube assembly, recoil spring and rings are the same as well? Also, is there anyway to get the magpul moe pistol grips to fit without the metal base plate? I cant find those anywhere
  2. Just curious what is the difference with 416 internals and the sopmod internals? Are they fulyl 1:1 compatible? Also for the buffer tube assembly, recoil spring and rings are the same as well?
  3. Took my ACR out yesterday and it was workign ok then i tossed on a lipo halfway through the game and it started to rip! fHowever I had a lot of misfeeds. I am only using pmags midcaps which is really strange. I think if i did what you guys said about sprayign some silocone in it it shoudl work right.
  4. I placed on an extreme fire mosfet Prometheus Gears, Prommy M120 spring, PDI 6.01 TBB, G&P piston, AE motor and a few others I cant remember =P
  5. Had my gun completely upgraded. Now all I need left is a battery. What lipo battery do you guys use that fits the handguard and where did you get them? A
  6. Not that anyone cares but I am planning on getting a RS ACR sometimes this month Then I will soon be able to have side to side pictures of my PTS and my RS versions =)
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