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About Voodoo1

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 05/25/1982

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  • Airsofter since
    Whenever it was TM released the G36
  • Most likely to say
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. ah cool - i had been looking but couldnt find one small enough for receiver
  2. ooh where did you get the torgue sticker from?
  3. I'm still running my TM nozzle on my newer one - I've adopted a policy of running abbey ultra in warmer weather and only using propane over last couple of months in cold temps. Has held up fine so far.
  4. Nope that started out as a strike warrior then got a hicapa slide and bits
  5. Just to wind FK up then...
  6. Voodoo1

    WE XDM

    only if you run it on 134 though. TMs on green are destroying themselves.
  7. Bit of an update from previous issues. Problem with the slide blowing off the frame has persisted - basically it appears to be flexing under pressure enough to come off the rails. After doing this randomly half a dozen times I've given up on it- either i'll put a metal slide on it or get the HK3P version and kit it out with marui good bits. In other news the AS Surgeon reinforced nozzle has been released.
  8. randomly mine seems fine after its bizarre issue. So, despite blasting off the frame and jamming up, a strip down and reassemble (after seing no obvious faults or damage) its now working perfect. Bafflement... I think stock I'd advise 134 or maybe the Abbey midweight gas - someone remind me what its called? I think I'll look at green again when the AS reinforced nozzle is released. Will probably stop the nozzle breakage, but might still be putting other strains elsewhere - time will tell I suppose.
  9. Green but only in about 12 degrees. I've not had chance to do more than cursory glance at it, as left it in lockup at end of day.
  10. Interesting issue/fix - unfortunately seen this too late as I've destroyed my second xdm this weekend. This time the slide actually jumped off the frame and jammed back. No obvious signs of damage just seems to be warped and doesn't run on the frame properly anymore.
  11. Mine has has detroyed the nozzle today - its only 4 days old too! Was running in 14 degrees (maybe colder due to windchill) and on green. This was about 6 mags in.
  12. hi-capa vs 14 stone heavily armoured uber zombie
  13. erm where did you get that comb chris? cant help thinking you pulled something out the rubbish tip...
  14. Ah cool - pity I've sold mine then...
  15. Its the KSC MP9 specific QD one - rare as rocking horse poo though...
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