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About Gumbo501

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  • Airsofter since
    The dawn of time
  • Country
    United States
  1. if you like plain jane mags try pro win v2s, the three that i've had for a year have never failed me once.
  2. Many of the WA rifle failures have been due to user error, but if you scratch build a rifle say from an AGM m4 base; you'll soon realize the finickiness of the WA design. Buy a premade rifle and mostly you will avoid most if not all of the problems of a scratch build but there are always lemon rifles. I have a 2011 Viper m4 (similar to a WOC except for the steel BC and aluminium nozzle), I've had it for over year and put through around 4000-6000 rounds(during skirmishes; MANY more if you count dry firing and plinking) through it and no problems. The only hiccups I dealt with were the e
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