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About Kosac

  • Rank
    Concrete Badger Molester
  • Birthday 12/14/1987

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    March 2004
  • Toy collection
    HK33e P226
  • Most likely to say
    HAv0c MaN and GeAr BoI
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Cricket, Badger, Swat etc etc etc etc
  1. Swyerton, north Shropshire. Our Plt Cmd *fruitcage*ed that one up, we had a good position but then there were too many of us and we had to extend down too far into this *beep* exposed position, was mainly a demo of moving into harbour than ambushes so it wern't essential. Sorry for hijack.
  2. Yeah, your spot on, snap ambush before moving into harbour. Also they renamed the BFA now, can't remember the new name everyone still calls it a BFA.
  3. Yeah TA training. My eye is right up to it as I'm not shooting just scanning and they way I am on the bergen means it is more comforatble right up. Also you can have your eye up to the gromit when firing , you just need a decent grip to take the recoil.
  4. Very nice The desert fleck looks awesome as well
  5. Kosac

    M1a Scout

    Looks fantastic
  6. Excellent now i can order my SOG seal master knife from US cav
  7. Ok got to ask fromm what i have read here, you are not allowed to carry a knife with a blade longer than 3" but can i own a knife with a 9" blade if i dont take it out in public?
  8. Havent been to Duxford in ages i might go again soon.
  9. I love that M14 is the stock painted as i didn't think that G&G did a OD stocked one
  10. 6ft4 how do you have soooo many nice guns
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