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About MarineDEP

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 12/21/1987

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    Primary- KWA M4 RIS, E1 203, Aimpoint, AN/PEQ2, 3 pt sling
    Kit: Old FR

  • Country
    United States

Contact Methods

  • AIM
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Harrisburg, PA
  • Interests
    a lot of stuff..
  1. Happy birthday!

    Finally got the smell out ^_^

  2. lol, my ###### *albatross* Recon batt. kit..why do my pics turn out like such ###### IE my eyes all *fruitcage*ed in this one
  3. where can you pick up DTS? especially the RAID blouse DTS
  4. if anyones interested im trying to get rid of this SF SPEAR body armor, real deal
  5. Has the vertical version every been seen with Rangers?
  6. What's the deal with the SPEAR BALC's (vertical front pals) I bagged one, just the carrier but when did the full horizontal pals (front side) come out? and did that version replace the vertical pals RBA? -Andrew
  7. I remember people talking about it, but what do I need to secure a M1014 on my back/vest?
  8. I'm making up a SF kit for a specific game hows this sound to you guys? 3color trousers 3color boonie black fleece (army issue) Tan belleville's duty belt w/the works (dump,pistol lanyard,maybe some molle/alice) blk 6004 SLS w/M9 Either a AK Chest rig (chinese one) and or MBSS AK47 & M4 RIS/203 (ACOG, PEQ2, BUIS) I have some other gear ideas this is just a rough draft.. thanks for the help
  9. crunchy bunny can you see over the front sight with that mount on your aimpoint?
  10. badass dude, nice loadout - roger that on desert cammies It's getting colder so don't forget issue polypros
  11. Marine's are the Navy's infantry buddy buddy....originally... How is the A&K A4? What kinda wiring trouble? I may buy one, I can afford a Km16a4 but my g/f would kick my *albatross* if I spent that kinda money straight up..and I can't save for *suitcase*
  12. Are the MAG and or G&P 100rnd box mags compatible with the A&K and E1 SAW's?
  13. I see some of you guys have the 100rnd SAW box mags on your A&K/E1 SAW's..i'm curious are the MAG and or G&P 100rnd box mags compatible with the A&K and E1 SAW's?
  14. Lighter then the CA I had, I ran a CA m15 w/CA 203 I gave it up after about a month..it was to much weight...I dont know I have no complaints of weight with my current setup, I also think paying more then 115.00 for an M203 is to expensive when you factor in shells and *suitcase*...just my opinion it's just a trigger and pin shaped like an m203
  15. Buy the Echo 1 M203...it's lighter and cheaper...It's a simple *albatross* design buying a more expensive G&P or CA that will be heavier...is just stupid to me. I have field tested my E1 203 on a KWA m4 RIS and beat the *suitcase* out of it..it is good to go.
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