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Posts posted by MarineDEP

  1. I'm making up a SF kit for a specific game hows this sound to you guys?


    3color trousers

    3color boonie

    black fleece (army issue)

    Tan belleville's

    duty belt w/the works (dump,pistol lanyard,maybe some molle/alice)

    blk 6004 SLS w/M9

    Either a AK Chest rig (chinese one) and or MBSS

    AK47 & M4 RIS/203 (ACOG, PEQ2, BUIS)


    I have some other gear ideas this is just a rough draft..


    thanks for the help


  2. Marine's are the Navy's infantry buddy buddy....originally...


    How is the A&K A4? What kinda wiring trouble? I may buy one, I can afford a Km16a4 but my g/f would kick my *albatross* if I spent that kinda money straight up..and I can't save for *suitcase*

  3. Lighter then the CA I had, I ran a CA m15 w/CA 203 I gave it up after about a month..it was to much weight...I dont know I have no complaints of weight with my current setup, I also think paying more then 115.00 for an M203 is to expensive when you factor in shells and *suitcase*...just my opinion it's just a trigger and pin shaped like an m203

  4. Buy the Echo 1 M203...it's lighter and cheaper...It's a simple *albatross* design buying a more expensive G&P or CA that will be heavier...is just stupid to me. I have field tested my E1 203 on a KWA m4 RIS and beat the *suitcase* out of it..it is good to go.

  5. yea, I was curious because I think I heard people saying its hard to the SPEAR-vests replica and real deal..but G&P website has them still, for sale, atleast you can add one to you cart I havnt gone through with buying one yet.



    Also, I'm assuming the FSBE was never used by the Army?

  6. I used to wear glasses all the time in airsoft, then like 3 years ago I finally got contacts and I was ###### at myself for not getting them sooner not only can you wear safety glasses either but all around not having to deal with glasses

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